Leadership Success Principle’s THINK … What Can I Do Today to Make Tomorrow Better? How To Help People Grow

Decide what how you will respond to situations Stay connected to people who are ahead of you on the success curve. Remove excess baggage in life. Declutter your life leaves room for growth. When you keep hoarding things in life that have no value or have lost relevancy, it is difficult to have focus and moved forward to the success you plan. So many people are happy coasting down the highway of life, and for the most part staying in one lane, seldom crossing the passing lane to get ahead. Remove toxic people from your life. They will hold you down and back. Learn to stop tolerating and defending people who meddle muddle and are generally.

Practice being a 3%er or better. What does this mean. It is really quite simple. Do what you say you are going to do. Take those dreams and put them into action. Take time to learn and increase your skill sets. This can be done through education and by the education of others who have already achieved what you are looking to do and or become.

Learn to rely on those you trust, you cannot build success alone. Work to cultivate amazing professional relationships. Look at these as investments that will pay you life dividends. We all move and grow faster when we move forward together.

Many things in life are simple and can be expressed with a single word

            Hope; Love; Kindness; Courage; Responsibility

Be determined and dedicated to those around you. While you are driving forward and making the calls just like a great quarterback, you need help to get to the end zone. That takes dedication and trust on both sides. Trust does not happen overnight: it develops over time and is a choreographed routine of working side by side together. There are two way discussions and a great deal of listening. If you want people to be dedicated to you, you have to be dedicated to them. You get what you give. Share your vision and dreams and talk about how each person’s contribution not only gives value but is a significant part in assembling the pieces of the puzzle of success.

Immense success does not simply happen because you have a dream or goal, it is the grit of innovation, vision and a ton of grit. It’s not just about the amount f hours you spend but how you spend your time and the quality that you give to each task. Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. That takes dedication and discipline.

Learn to have and be a valued mentor. No one becomes. Success on their own. We all owe it to the next generation behind us to cultivate and encourage their growth and to be the mentor you wish you had or did have. To be your best as a Leader, s to share be open, listen and build a rock solid foundation of a dedicated team who believe and trust in you and your vision and you trust in them. 

Silence may be golden, but it is communication that builds success.

Find people to do the mundane tasks that you do not wish to be encumbered by. Learn to think proactively rather than reactively. The more organized you are and when everyone knows their roles, expectations and timeframes for success, the better.  It has long been said by industry leaders through the centuries, “ The harder I work, the more successful I become.”

Be intentional. If information is relevant include it, if it is superfluous, move on. Move lean, remove access from bogging you down. It’s not how many employees you have or how many people are on your team, what matters  most is not having overload. Build your success with purpose and intent, not reaction. For each action you take, know and define why you are taking that action and what the benefits will be. Learn to be transparent. Your team cannot second guess your dreams and desires, they need to be communicated and communicated in a way that fosters and encourages ideas and other point of view. Every idea can be built upon.

Make and take action  based on facts and data, not heresy and  gossip, or sentiment. Take steps not be reactive. Think, listen, observe, understand, pause and then move forward. Success is not a race. Step by step moving forward in the right direction is the goal.

Entrepreneurs have vision, they are not scared or mistakes, stepping forward and waking the path of uncertainly and new ideas.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Most of all, believe in you, believe in what you are doing and why you are doing it who you are doing it for and how its benefits others.

Moral: What is now big, and a huge success was at one point a simple idea and a dream.


