Leadership Style Could Turn Around Student and Teacher Performance

Leadership Style Could Turn Around Student and Teacher Performance

When striving to improve your school district’s performance, examine the many ways that student outcomes can be improved beyond overhauling teacher evaluations, training, and testing. As many companies and educational institutions have discovered, honing your leadership style can have a significant impact. Likely, much more than you may have anticipated.

Servant leadership, particularly, has proven to have far-reaching results. While it is important to incorporate various styles of leadership, servant leadership received a strong following after Robert Greenleaf penned the essay “The Servant as Leader,” which was published in 1970. Greenleaf, who had a long career in management with AT&T, pushed the idea that the most effective leaders succeed by adopting an attitude of serving first.

Read more from Dianna Whitlock about why servant leadership is an effective leadership tool in education.


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