Leadership Secrets: The Goldilocks Principles
Hank Boyer
Executive Coaching | Strategic Planning | Leadership | EQ | Engagement & Retention | B2B & B2C Sales | Assessments | DISC | Hiring/Onboarding | Career Coach | Talent Development | Management Training | Behavioral Science
Have you noticed that few truths are ever found in extremism? While there are valid points to be found among each extreme, the greatest truth is found somewhere in the middle.?Some call it the Goldilocks Principles.
?Two events, twenty-five years apart collided, and this post is the result.?
?It was at a weekend conference 25 years ago where Martin DeHaan was a featured speaker that I first learned about the concept of truth in tension
Let me illustrate truth in tension concept with the childhood story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.?Goldilocks came across the home of the three bears, who had left the front door open, while they took a walk to allow their bowls of porridge to cool on the table.??One bowl of porridge was too hot, another was too cold, and the middle one was just right.?One bed was too hard, another was too soft, while the third was just right.?The just right somewhere in the middle of two extremes was just right for her.
?But what if Goldilocks decided that she loved the just right bowl of porridge so much that she ate way, way too much??It would no longer be just right, resulting in discomfort.?That would be another truth in tension.
Effective Leaders are Often Masters of the Goldilocks Principles
Just recently I was reading an excellent article by leadership expert Dan Rockwell entitled Three Tips to Build Confidence in Timid Team Members and saw a brilliant leadership example of the Goldilocks Principles at work.?According to Dan Rockwell, effective leaders are not the overzealous cheerleader nor the criticizer grump… they are the confident encouragers
With this in mind, I offer three common applications of the Goldilocks Principles applicable to leading and managing people, selling product and service solutions, and career success, the three primary areas in which I help individuals and organizations develop their talent.
You’ll also discover that some of the specific Goldilocks Principles will crossover between the different applications.
Goldilocks Principles Example 1: Over & Under-Communicating
The extremes of under and over-communicating are pretty simple.?On one hand you have the Chatty Cathys who just talk and talk and talk, repeating themselves, and cannot seem to stop talking.?On the other hand, you have the Silent Sams whose idea of a long sentence is about three words.?
The right amount of communication is somewhere in the middle, between Chatty Cathy and Silent Sam. Exactly where in the middle is nuanced to both the audience (specific individual(s)) and the complexity of what is being communicated. Learning to tell the behavioral style preferences of your audience will help you adjust to a Goldilocks-level of just right. Plus, effective communicators
Goldilocks Principles Example 2: Managing Your Time
Every human being is equal here… we each get 60 minutes in each hour and 24 hours in each day.?Technology, AI, computers, and virtual meeting platforms have enabled us to be more efficient with our time.?Many things important to our professional and personal life require quality time.?The question for many of us is, do we manage our time wisely or does our time manage us?
Goldilocks Principles Example 3: Working in the Business versus Working on the Business
Most of us work in project mode in what we do. Hiring someone is a project, as is onboarding him or her.?Cooking a meal is a project, as is eating it, and then cleaning it up afterwards.?Leading or participating in a meeting is a project.?Going on vacation, fixing something in the garage, or reading a book is a project.?
Working in the business is executing your parts of a project.?Most of your work time is spent here, and this includes the planning, execution, and project post-mortems.?
Working on the business is different – it means stepping out of execution mode and evaluating, reimagining, or re-engineering the processes used that govern why and how you execute the work.
Working in the business is largely tactical while working on the business is almost always strategic.???
?Bottom Line
The Goldilocks Principles help you leverage the best attributes of two opposing extremes, where the best place to be is somewhere between the two truths in tension. Fine tuning exactly where in the middle requires you to adjust to the people involved, to work in a way that helps them leverage their own unique sets of talents and strengths.?Best of all, the Goldilocks Principles can be applied to almost any life or career situation in which you find yourself or your organization.
Suggestion: ?Your new year awaits! So spend some quality time over the next two weeks thinking about how you could apply the Goldilocks Principles to better your life and career!
I love working with people and organizations who want to improve their effectiveness!?Here are several outstanding resources that can help you and your organization to go to the next level:
About me: I help leaders and aspiring leaders improve their performance and acumen, and sales and marketing professionals to become more productive and effective. I also work with some of the world’s top employers by helping them get the most out of their talented people. My company's extensive?leadership development course catalog provides effective skills-building for everyone in the organization, from the new / developing leader to the seasoned C-level executive.?We develop sales teams with our highly regarded B2B Sales Essentials? and B2C Sales Essentials? tailored sales curriculum.?My company's coaching programs produce significant results in compressed periods of time.?To find out more, please visit us at ?www.boyermanagement.com, email us at [email protected], or call us at 215-942-0982.???