Leadership Reflection: Independence Day
Tim Signorelli, MHSA, PCC
Certified Executive Coach, Hudson Master Coach & CEO ● Inspiring & Advising Executive Leaders to Transform Organizations
In honor of celebrating our Independence, I offer you this poem by Debra L. Brown.
Independence Day?
??????????????????Debra L. Brown
??????????????????Published: June 2019?
??????????????????When we think about the birth?
??????????????????of this great nation,?
??????????????????Congress declared July the 4th 1776?
??????????????????and issued a proclamation.?
??????????????????With this decree, the thirteen colonies?
??????????????????are now free.?
??????????????????We will no longer live?
??????????????????under England's Monarchy.?
??????????????????Five great men?
??????????????????were given the task?
??????????????????to draw up papers?
??????????????????for freedom at last.?
??????????????????Thomas Jefferson,?
??????????????????we can remember.?
??????????????????A founding father,?
??????????????????Patriot and a Continental member.?
??????????????????Together these men?
??????????????????drafted the amendments.?
??????????????????Franklin, Livingstone, Sherman and Adams,?
??????????????????united they authored the Declarations of Independence.?
??????????????????Battles were fought,?
??????????????????and blood was shed.?
??????????????????Life was lost,?
??????????????????and men were dead.?
??????????????????"FREEDOM" came with?
??????????????????A heavy price.?
??????????????????War is not pretty,?
??????????????????nor is it nice.?
??????????????????We can thank?
??????????????????the Lord above.?
??????????????????He gave us these United States,?
??????????????????a country we can love.?
??????????????????Men fought for our freedom,?
??????????????????and with their lives they did pay.?
??????????????????That's why we celebrate?
??????????????????Independence Day.?
May you as Leader this week?celebrate and enjoy our independence as a nation.?