Leadership Myths
In the West, particularly here in North America, it seems that we’re all concerned with leadership. Why do I think so? Just watch the news or type “leadership” into an English internet search engine! Once you have done that, try doing a search for “leadership programs” or “leadership training.” You’ll find all sorts training and education offered. Just a few samplings will likely include global leadership, strategic leadership, thought leadership, organizational leadership, positional leadership, emotionally healthy leadership, toxic leadership, democratic leadership, succession leadership…. The list I found was so much longer than LinkedIn articles permit!
From the title of this article, you may have rightly guessed that I don’t believe everything I read and hear about leadership is helpful, let alone universally true and helpful in every context. Yes, many of those knowledge and skill sets have been proven helpful in the work and experience of those who promote and preach them. But in this season of life, it seems to me that my knowing and doing are not as important as my being. What do I mean by “my being”? Being has to do with our identity based upon who we believe our people are and therefore the who and where of our loyalties and values. Being is less about what I know and can do and more about the who, why and what of my values and loyalties. Being is more a matter of my worship than my work.
While I don’t personally see much of a distinction between sacred and secular, by “worship” here, I mean what you or I value and desire in both sacred and secular senses. What is my heart set on? What do I believe is most important? What level of performance am I willing to prepare for and commit to be rewarded? Just as knowledge, skill and being are interdependent, is the integrity of words, works and relationships equally important in a leader? Is the leader willing to develop and maintain that integrity both in private and in public? Last and not least, am I willing and able to endure hardship well?
True leadership is that which results in lives well-lived for both the man or woman in the lead and for the men, women and children watching, serving, waiting, and hoping for a share of the reward.