Leadership is more than a position!
Blue Mountain Academy doesn't just have positions of leadership that students fill, we have intentional leadership classes that teach actual leadership theory which expands our students understanding of how to lead.
The program, started by Pastor Sergio Menente, continued under Hospital Administrator Jon Larrabee, Hospital Chaplain Barb Rutt, then Principal Dave Morgan, and currently L.E.G.I.T. ministries creator Javier Mendez.
Javier shares, "Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve the community of BMA I had a blast and I pray that the students not only enjoyed the class and learned a lot but that they become amazing leaders that add value where ever they go. I look forward to talking and working out ways to continue to add value to BMA moving forward blessings my friends."
At BMA leadership is more than a title, it's a way of living. We train the mind with knowledge and the ? for service!