Leadership at the Moment is to Serve

Leadership at the Moment is to Serve

As Leaders in Life, we will make wise decisions during this time and we know that this too shall as pass as we all will come through as Leaders who are well planned, making great decisions to serve and making progress on healing the self and the world as one big team. We as Leaders put others first and lead with wisdom and a positive attitude to address any fear that our people are living with right now.

During this time, even though we are distant from others, lets educate ourselves to understand what is really happening around the virus, steps for prevention and how can we help others through the distance e.g. even through our healing energy and prayers, everything helps, do not under estimate your ability in wanting others to heal and the world to come through this healthily, safe and stronger.

This is a World crisis which we have accepted and if you want more update information then please visit the world health organisation. As Leaders of Life we need to have faith in our ability to do right by us, by our family, friends & associates and the globe, our mother earth.

Please find attached my updated on line timetable, many have already reached out for prayer and other support through our study groups.

If there is a prayer i can say with you and your close ones please do reach out, we can do this on line anytime, it does not just have to be about the current situation, but any area of your life.

Stay Strong, healthy and wise during this crisis.


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