Leadership: Middle Management Part II of II
Western Los Angeles County Council, Scouting America
Prepared. For Life.
Leadership: Middle Management Part II of II
Middle management afforded me ample leadership learning opportunities (sometimes it takes a few times to get it right, right?! ??).?The open, yet structured, nature of operations at Emerald Bay pushed my learning forward while connecting me to influencers seeking to create a world where people make good choices throughout life and afforded this second formative leadership experience.?An experience that helped frame for me the power of character in one’s interactions and leadership with others.
Being an Aquatics Director can be stressful under normal circumstances.?Doing the job while at an ocean camp, on an island, and with a multitude of boaters (not under your management) has its challenges.?This leadership learning opportunity came to me after moving a Troop’s boat and forgetting to put it back, it was damaged significantly.?I was petrified to tell the Scoutmaster and dreaded what I expected to come next.?While my concerns were valid, they proved to be unnecessary as he appreciated my telling of the damage done.?It reminded me of the importance of being transparent, upfront, and that one’s character counts no matter how awkward or embarrassing the situation might be (I’ve had a few!).?The Scoutmaster appreciated my forthright and honest confession earning his respect and the building of a more collegial and collaborative relationship.?Through it all, I learned that trust is a foundational leadership characteristic and can be built even under the most challenging of circumstances.?
Without my readily knowing it, others trust in me is what I had been building now for several years.?Trust with my supervisors, my staff, the guests that visited each year, and volunteers that gave of their time to our mission at hand.?The nature and structure of Scouting’s programming leads to so many cool life experiences.?
Through having built the many relationships made during these formative years, it was also a time of more outward adventures, and with one big stand out.?I was afforded the opportunity to help lead a contingent of Scouts on a one-month trip to a western hemisphere Jamboree in Brazil in 1992 (image is with Scouts we met in Manaus, Amazonas).?It was a unique, worldly, and joy-filled experience.?I felt privileged to join the group and it rounded out a few more of my management and leadership experiences through balancing the multitude of needs and expectations our group had.?An opportunity and experience I will never forget.?
Leadership during middle management presents opportunities for deeper personal reflection.?As you begin to be seen as a trusted, character-driven, reliable agent you are looked upon to take on opportunities otherwise not necessarily available.?It challenges assumptions and expands horizons.??#leadership?#opportunity?#experience?#trust?#respect?#characterdevelopment?#management