Leadership Lessons from My Daughters.
A client recently mentioned a LinkedIn post of mine that had resonated. I decided to revisit it and expand for this newsletter.
As leaders, we’re often searching for ways to improve, striving to lead with more clarity, resilience, and impact. Sometimes, the most valuable lessons don’t come from books or professional mentors—they come from those closest to us.
I have learned many lessons about leadership from what at first glance may seem an unexpected source: my daughters. Watching them interact with the world has and continues to provide me with invaluable insights into traits that when I apply them have truly enhanced my leadership.
In this edition, I’ll share five key qualities I’ve observed in my daughters. I hope these traits can serve as daily reminders of what it means to lead in a way that’s genuine, inspiring and impactful.
Empathy is one of the most powerful tools a leader can possess, yet it’s also one of the hardest to master. My daughters exemplify empathy in the purest way. Recently, I saw one of them comfort a friend who was having a rough day. She didn’t try to fix the problem; she simply sat with her friend, offering her presence and a listening ear.
In leadership, we often feel compelled to jump in and offer solutions. I know I certainly did in the early stages of being a CEO. However I learnt in time empathy and particularly the importance of truly listening and creating a safe space for others to share openly. Empathy allows us to connect on a deeper level, fostering trust and respect.
I encourage you to make a conscious effort to listen without feeling the need to always provide answers. By creating a space for others to express themselves, you’ll build stronger, more authentic relationships.
Resilience is about bouncing back, an invaluable trait in both life and leadership. One of my daughters recently experienced a challenging sporting event. Things did not go as she had planned or hoped. Of course, she was disappointed, but instead of giving up, she made a decision to work even harder, and has created her own plan to improve her performance.
In leadership, resilience is key to navigating challenges and setbacks. It’s easy to let a failure define us, but resilient leaders see these moments as opportunities to learn and grow.
Please view setbacks as part of your growth, not the end of it. Also recognise that resilience is not innate! It can be enhanced. Creating Unshakeable Resilience is one of most popular programmes. If you feel you need support in this area, please do not hesitate to make contact with me.
Children have an incredible gift for asking “why.” Granted that can be challenging at times! Their curiosity knows no bounds. My daughters are no different they constantly seek answers, challenging everything and exploring why we do things a certain. This willingness to dig deeper always sparks insightful conversations that make me reflect.
I believe it is critical to encourage curiosity in your team by asking open ended questions and inviting diverse perspectives. Show your team through your words and actions that you’re invested in learning and growing, and they’ll feel empowered to do the same.
Optimism is another wonderful quality my daughters regularly display. They have this innate ability to see the silver lining in the majority of situations.
Optimism isn’t about ignoring difficulties, it’s about choosing to see opportunities in them. As leaders, our ability to reframe challenges can inspire resilience and creativity within our teams.
In tough times it is imperative to try and shift everybody's perspective by focusing on what can be learned or gained from any situation. Then exploring what is within our control whilst retaining a belief in our ability to find the solution.
Perhaps the most powerful trait I see in my daughters is authenticity. They are unapologetically themselves, never trying to conform or pretend to be someone they’re not. Their ability to express who they truly are without fear is something we can all aspire to.
Authenticity in leadership fosters trust. When leaders are genuine, they give others permission to do the same, creating an environment where people feel safe, respected, and valued for who they are.
I am sure that I am not alone in failing to have the courage to be truly authentic in every chapter and stage of my career. With age and wisdom however I now truly embrace the power of authenticity and it is a joy to see the positive results clients create when they lead with authenticity.
A phrase I hear a lot is "common sense is not always common practice." I appreciate that at face value we already know the power of these traits. The million dollar question though is are you truly practising them consistently?
My daughters display these traits, that prompts reflection and makes me ask myself that question regularly.
Am I perfect? Far from it but the reflection they prompt has certainly made me embrace these traits more consistently.
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