Leadership Lessons #5 : Slay Power
This is the fifth of a series of reflections on personal leadership experiences from last year. These are born of both victories and hardships. In both cases, they have shaped my leadership and awareness going forward.
Slay Power Dynamics.?
Power is not my go-to leadership style but position or title can unintentionally complicate and inflate power dynamics.? I’ve learned that I have to go above and beyond to ensure those without “power” are seen and heard and feel like they can honestly engage.?
I have more questions than answers, I have more to learn than I do to teach about power dynamics.??There are two things that I am personally learning and trying to implement:?
A secure leader does not feel the need to be the “est” voice (loudest, biggest, wisest, smartest, etc.…).??
In order to provide the best soil for safety and vulnerability to grow, encourage writing, smaller groups, follow up conversations by alternate leaders, surveys etc.… Valued voices may require more comfortable ways to communicate.?
I want to be a leader that intentionally puts to death the negative elements of position and title and encourages people to honestly bring their whole selves.