Leadership Lesson from "Santa"
Raheem Amer
Helping businesses thrive with Strategic Planning, Business Development, and Operational Management expertise.
As we all prepare for this special 2021 Christmas Eve…wanted to share a quick leadership lesson we can share with our kids and families, so they are ready for 2022…
All year long Santa is preparing for this single night.?Santa’s leadership is fully on display on Christmas Eve.??Here are 3 things we can learn from Santa and implement in our leadership roles:
1. Let go of the baggage weighing you down: By the end of the night, everything is gone. He doesn’t hold on to anything. Every single bag is delivered, leaving him with an empty sleigh. Because of this, the year ahead offers unlimited opportunity, a fresh slate, a new outlook.?
Are you holding on to baggage from the past?
Lesson from Santa: Let go of baggage weighing you down.?Giving to others frees you up for new opportunities.
2. Remember the good and forget the bad: Santa has kept a record. Sure, we know he supposedly sees the good and the bad, but no kid ever reports getting a bag of coal on Christmas morning. I think he has an excellent memory for the good things, the kindnesses he sees, and he forgets a lot of the bad stuff. Santa focuses on positive and uplifting.?
Are you willing to overlook faults, forgive wrongs, and remember the best of people? Lesson from Santa: Forget the wrongs and celebrate the good.?Focus on the positive.
3. Give generously without seeking credit: Santa puts up with a lot. Despite the warm outfit, it’s bitter cold, especially at those flying altitudes. He’s in cramped quarters, breathing in dust and dirt in chimneys. It’s exhausting to get to every house in the world. But he gives and gives. He doesn’t seek credit. He doesn’t seem to mind that we forget to send thank you notes. We sit on his lap and just ask and ask and ask.?
Are you giving with no expectation of getting anything in return?
Lesson from Santa: Give generously without seeking credit.
There are many more lessons we can learn from Santa, but these three stuck out for me. Santa is a leader that inspires many others throughout the world to care for others.
Happy Holidays Everyone.?