Leadership Lens: Insights and Strategies for Success
Dear LinkedIn Community,
Between DiversityInc and DiversityInc Best Practices, we talk to many leaders across various industries and sectors.
From CEOs to CDOs, we've featured interviews, profiles and videos that explore the leadership styles, experiences and perspectives of people who are breaking barriers and driving change.
Each week as part of our Career Advice video series, Senior Business Writer Linda Bell sits down with a company leader to discuss career growth, work-life balance and more.
In this week's video, KeyBank 's Chief of Staff and Director of Corporate Center Trina Evans shared with Bell the role of emotional intelligence in the workplace, how she grows the next generation of talent and the importance of mentorship.
When asked how she's been able to stay with one company and continue growing and expanding in her career, Evans said, "KeyBank is the real deal straight out of the non-fiction section."
Subscribe to DiversityInc Best Practices to watch the full video!
In the latest article from our Chief Diversity Officer series, we spoke with Michelle Jordan , Chief Diversity Officer at AT&T , about what it takes to excel in her role and drive change.
She emphasized the importance of having various transferable skills, passion and patience for those aspiring to be diversity leaders. Jordan also shared her excitement for initiatives such as AT&T's Dream in Black efforts and the work being done to address the digital divide.
"Students, would-be entrepreneurs and business owners alike currently living in the digital divide or that gap between those who can fully participate in the modern online world and those who cannot, are all impacted by one or more issues around access, affordability and adoption."
To read the full Q&A with Jordan, subscribe to DiversityInc Best Practices.
People on the Move: KPMG Names Keith Hines as Director of Supplier Diversity
DiversityInc's People on the Move feature highlights news about leaders who have achieved significant career milestones.
These articles focus on individuals from various industries and detail their professional backgrounds, accomplishments and new roles.
Our latest People on the Move article spotlights the appointment of Keith Hines to Director of Supplier Diversity at 毕马威 .
Hines is passionate about helping large organizations embrace diverse businesses and will be focused on expanding KPMG's supplier diversity program to have 30% of the firm's reportable spend with diverse suppliers by the end of 2025. He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from LeMoyne-Owen College and a master’s degree in global affairs from New York University.
As part of a DiversityInc Best Practices article titled "Big 4 Accounting Firms Work to Boost Diverse Suppliers," Hines talked about how supplier diversity impacts each industry in different ways.
"We all need diverse suppliers that can provide goods and services to meet the unique needs of the respective industries. That said, diverse suppliers need to know that industries are interested in working with them. Diverse suppliers gravitate toward opportunities that are most visible to them."
Thanks for reading! Check back next week for more leadership insights. In the meantime, read through our leadership section to stay informed.
Best regards,
The DiversityInc Staff