Leadership and The Law of Attraction
There is a certain magic that happens when you get clear and committed to a preferred future. You begin to attract resources to your project. This concept is captured in the famous Goethe quote:?
“The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, power and grace.”
The Law of Attraction has been increasingly popular in personal development circles over the past few years. And perhaps for very good reason. It’s the idea that you can manifest your desires by visioning them regularly.?
The Law of Attraction argues that all of the material world is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. And that your thoughts (and therefore visions), are vibrating frequencies that the universe has no choice but to respond to. The external world is like a giant mirror (or perhaps even projection) of your internal world.
The Law of Attraction is a two part practice. The second part often gets missed. Part one is to get clear on your vision (what you want to manifest). Part two is to feel it. To believe in a way that you know it is going to happen. To resonate at that belief frequency. It’s not unlike faith and perhaps why there is power in prayer.
Quantum Weirdness
The Quantum view of the universe is that everything, seen and unseen, is energy and information. From the chair you are sitting on to the thought in your head. The apple you’re eating to the GPS that informs the satnav on your phone. All energy and information.
It is not my purpose here to convince you of the Law of Attraction although I am a believer. Perhaps Quantum Physics will prove the Law of Attraction one day. In the meantime I want to offer you something more tangible.
Your thoughts influence what you notice and engage with. And then what you notice and engage with, influences your thoughts. The repeating pattern of which becomes your perceptions and biases. For good and for bad.?
Think about it (no pun intended). When you have somebody you work with who you think does a shit job, you tend to notice them doing a shit job all the time. You also tend to not notice them doing a good job. The more you notice the poor performance the more you see it. You’ve set your optics up to notice this way.?
I’m not saying that some of that information isn’t accurate but it's unlikely all of it is.?What you think about influences what you notice, and what you believe turns up in front of you.
Reticular Activation System
There is a part of the brain called the Reticular Activation System (RAS for short). The RAS brings the power of your subconscious mind to your conscious mind. It brings to light that which you are looking for.
Maybe you recognise the experience. You want to buy a red Mini [substitute your previous desired car here]. Suddenly you start seeing red Minis [your desired car] everywhere you go. Your intention kicks your RAS into high gear.
The takeaway here is you can set your RAS up to notice resources that will help you realise your vision. You do this by getting your intention clear.?
The Act of Commitment
Getting clear on your intention, activating your RAS, and taking a nothing-to-lose punt on the Law of Attraction is directly influenced by your level of commitment. Get 100% committed to what you are going after and the rest will line up.?
You don't have to be limited by facts and what you know, but rather get clear on a compelling vision and leave the detail to the universe. Your clear intention and commitment set up the universe (and your optics), to conspire in your favour!?
Furthermore, your belief and intention is infectious. It will positively impact others who will want to hop on the bus with you.
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