A time to change perspectives by Raquel Torrent - INNER POSIITIONING


#conciencia, #crecimientopersonal, #psicologíapositiva, #psicoterapia, #liderazgopersonal #desarrolloempresarial #desarrollohumano

?Among the styles of guiding or directing people since the existence of humankind—and no matter whether we talk of political, academic or business leadership styles—we may find a very simple division or classification: Hard and Soft Leadership. I want to share in this space the journey of my own life, having in mind these two simple styles. One is the authority of the mind alone and the other is the leading of the heart in a more coherent integration.My mother used to wake me up in the morning to the call of a sergeant’s trumpet. My father left the house when I became two years of age.?My mother created a hard style of leading me into the jungles of life as a means of introducing me into discipline and structure, as a mode of letting me know how difficult life was, I guess. This hard style of education—distant, cold and rigid, blue meme, ?we could say in Spiral Dynamic terms using its colors — made me face many difficulties in my infancy, above all with my own red meme with which I used to react and rebel. ?

On many occasions my own emotional and mental survival was in danger and therefore I also developed a healthy and sound relationship with beige and purple, using the Spyral Dynamics language, again, throughout the whole article. I remember having looked at my mother as a Tyrannosaurus Rex from which I had to flee away for not being torn and devoured. This was the feeling when she was following me through the house to kick me up with a slipper because I had done some stupid thing. My relationship with the gods came from a need to have some certainty that something more than the norms and laws established by my mother and the rules and regulations of my school, existed. My gods were the trees, the sun and the birds around my house that triumphantly sang all mornings and afternoons when I was going back and forth from my studies. My own external leadership was undermined in the hard work of following no loving recommendations and mandatory commands.?And yet an inner spiritual leadership was growing stronger and stronger as I knew and felt that I was not alone in the midst of being imprisoned by rules from the nuns and my mother's.

My teenage years brought me the goal of money. I won the first prize of the class for being the best in English language. I won a trip to London. It was the first time I recognized that my own effort could bring me material goods and benefits too. I strove to be the best of the class in most subjects. Apart from a good relationship with myself in order to survive, I had nice relationships with others always in terms of accepting that they would tell me: “you are the leader”. I assumed the role with pride. My own ego was growing big and healthy. The many lines of development I was granted from the beginning of my life—I say they are more gifts than achievements—offered me the possibility of been popular among teachers and students. I generally had a solution for almost everything. Even though I would be wrong, my enthusiasm and skills would overcome any situation, not being important to be right, yes to be happy. Therefore ?people used to believe in me. This was mainly due to the fact that my orange meme transcended to green (talking in SD terms), because it was not driven by the desire of personal goals or benefits but driven by the innocence of a real pure heart that wanted to help others and keep on sharing truth and justice. Nevertheless, the hard style of leadership received at home gave me an appearance of authority and aloofness.

After several deep experiences in my private life with husband and child, my own mother and sister and my own path of spiritual encounter, I entered into Second Tier thinking (according to Ken Wilber's model), starting to really transcend the problems and conflicts of life with consciousness and wisdom. I deeply connected with the yellow meme and I created a whole deep and long professional curriculum from Psychology licensure and two masters degrees to the pioneering of the Transformation Game from Findhorn Foundation, as well as the Transpersonal and afterwards Integral approaches in Spain.

From yellow, I also glimpsed turquoise in many instances and therefore my social work started to flourish putting my green (where my heart clearly started to lead the path) into social service. I created several personal development groups (some of them completely free of charge as a service to the community) like Women’s, Poetry or Meditation groups. By that time I also learnt the different flavours of the heart. One is to act from the gut, that is, instinctively.??That would be the Pre-personal heart with its reactions and impulses. The other way is to act from the flavour of the mental heart, what we could call the leadership of the mind or “personal activity” or “ego’s realm.” Further, I experienced actions from the spiritual heart or “actions of the HEART”, which is without a doubt the “transpersonal kingdom”.

We could analyze this from a Philosophical perspective as the total development of a person (Ontogenetics).?And we could also see it, ?from a Psychological angle, as the three different manners of acting in life in a given moment. From the above, we could suggest:

? The first heart manifestation (Instinctive heart), from beige?to red:?Re-Actions

?The second heart manifestation (Rational heart) The entry into a world of action related to mind leadership, from Blue to Green.

? The third heart manifestation (Spiritual heart).?The most advanced Conscious Actions. Second and Third tier.

This is interesting to see, because if we observe the synergy between these three styles of leadership and use of qualities, we may recognize ?that the qualities of the first heart are different from the qualities used in case of the ego/mental heart (as the creation and use of a formed "persona", not as a negative trait but as rational an needed development) which has also different qualities of those from the spiritual heart. Without a doubt there are also qualities that are present in all three manners of action and therefore in the three styles of leadership for what we need to develop the use of all qualities, the differentiated ones and the ones which are present in the three hearts.

Going with the flow of my spiritual heart, I met Ken Wilber through the “eating” of his books. I say this because I metaphorically ate them, phrase by phrase, word by word. It was like having finally found a soothing balm for my soul. I had been (like when John Rowan speaks of the second drawing of the oriental “Bull’s Taming”) going around and around after having seen the tail to the bull.

I had been exploring Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Biofeedback, Gestalt groups, Family Constellations, Vipassana meditation, Aikido, Biodanza, Open Voice, Human Design, Tai-Chi and Yoga, Insight, Patchwork, and many other courses and seminars. After finding Ken Wilber, I felt a slowing down of such a learning anxiety. It was like I had been in rapid waters and finally had arrived to the calm waters of a lake. I rested in the joy of having arrived home, the home of the same consciousness, of the same touch, of the same flavour than my own resonance. He was speaking my talk in the same manner I would have expressed it and in the same heart I would have felt it. Sometimes I had to stop for a while after reading a paragraph to be able to swallow it through the whole system. It was so powerful! I had found my valid interlocutor.

I had a beautiful experience when I was 7 years old. I was in the nun’s school singing with all the rest of the girls and nuns to Virgin Mary in the month of the flowers, the month of May. The church was white and golden, the same as the veils and tunics we all wore. There was an intense fragrance of white lilies in the air. In the middle of the chanting, a ray of sun illuminated me directly on the face and I knew I belonged to that light. I was the same as that brightness. I felt ONE with the effulgence. My soul united with my Spirit forever more. I never felt alone. I had recognized and breathed my TRUE nature. I got the wisdom, more than the knowledge, a higher comprehension that life -as we know it- is just a theatre play, a temporal glimpse of an EYE. Everything became relative from that moment on. It was the deepest experience I’ve ever had.?And yet when I read Ken Wilber, there was a second profound sensation regarding the integration of intellect and soul. Someone, somewhere, was feeling and thinking the same as I. If I was not alone in Heaven, I was not alone on Earth, either. Again, it was an experience of a spiritual nature. A experience of unity.

For seven years I knocked on Ken Wilber's door (through e-mails, letters and messages, transported by people that knew him personally). Nothing. It was like the lama master that has the disciple waiting at the door of the temple. I kept on knocking. One day I received an answer at last. It was not very expressive, really, but at least it was an answer. There was someone at the other end. My soul interlocutor was a living human being !!!

It was 1998 ?when I started waiting for Ken Wilber's answer. I had already gone to Germany to study Spiral Dynamics with Don Beck (one of the students of Clare Graves together with Chris Cowan, both in charge of marketing the method). I had read most of Ken’s books and I had created the Ken Wilber study group in Madrid with as many as 30 people reading and commenting on Integral Vision. In order to spread Wilber’s ideas (that as I said are also my own in the heart and soul), I also started to write articles in a specialized magazine—a section of my own, “Ken Wilber section,” with fifty articles up to today, following more or less the sequence of Wilber I, II—up to now—Wilber VI?

Spain was in a situation in which the great effort of two important persons, Wilber’s editor and publisher—Agustín Paniker (nephew of the well known Raymond Panikkar) and his translator, David González-Raga—had created a market for Wilber fans. They had published about 14 books by Ken (nowadays, 21 Wilber books). As a result there were some people scattered around Spain who already knew the existence of an Integral Theory (without forgetting our Latin American brothers and sisters who benefit from the translations).

There was a need for gathering these people. The time was right when in 2003 I founded the 1st Ken Wilber International Conference, a two-day meeting at the Psychology Faculty of the Madrid Complutense University. We had 10 speakers and Ken was so kind as to send a welcome message for attendees. The second and third year was also celebrated at the same academic site with the participation of international speakers from The United States, Germany, Holland and Argentina. The first three years were a general presentation of Integral Theory and the fourth year was an integral experience in itself.

We left the academic protection to be out with the people at the biggest municipal Centre of one of the oldest villages around Madrid. It had been the home of the most popular Spanish university of the XVth century founded by Cardinal Cisneros and was headquarters of the humanistic and Renaissance currents of thoughts of the time: Alcalá de Henares.

Integral experiences with the Four Quadrants of Reality (Individual and Collective; Inner and Outer) were offered in the four corners of the Assembly Hall. Attendees could explore each Quadrant/corner as much as they pleased or stay only in one while enjoying what was happening there without interruption. These two days of practical experiences were enhanced by the artistic participation of several performers who sang, danced and played crystal and metallic bowls, everything as manifestation of Integral Art.??In this IV encounter we also offered a big (3 meters x 2 meters long) white pad of paper for people to write or draw whatever they wanted. A holographic painting was created during the two days as people could go anytime to express themselves with colours or designs. Ken always sent his greeting for the people. This fourth year I went to see Ken in Denver and he recommended to change?the name of the Conference and I did. They changed to: INTEGRAL CONFERENCE.

Meanwhile, I was (and still am) teaching an Integral and Transpersonal training course of two years about the evolution of energy (from the first polarity vibration to the Anthropology, Sociology, Philosophy and Psychology of human kind). This training helps people to understand and enjoy the reality of their individual experience, including the spiritual one, as well as the miracle of human interactions (from which we’ve developed so many materials on interpersonal love, sexuality, medicine, politics, architecture, concerts, parties and many other manifestations of humankind).

In 2005 I went to the United States in the middle of my own course to attend a seminar at the Integral Institute, thanks to Ken Wilber who gave me a scholarship. The seminar was “Integral Life Practice”. In that time it was called “Integral Transformative Practice”. My students were so enthusiastic that I was going to meet with Ken. I asked them, “What could we give Ken as a present? I myself would like to give him a Spanish Integral Society”. They got very content and said, “Let’s do it!” Thanks to these students, we consciously filled the Lower Right Quadrant of our lives by creating the “Spanish Integral Association” with an official number at the Ministry and met all the government requirements for such an enterprise. We created it as an NGO. We had 46 members who payed a monthly fee to support the annual Conference and some other activities we were offering.?We gave 10% of this income for humanitarian purposes like Red Cross or UNICEF. The IVth Integral Conference in Alcalá de Henares had been organized under the name of the Spanish Integral Association as were the following ones.

Having in mind that I had created a Spanish Association, I decided to spread the integral voice to other provinces of Spain, not only in Madrid. We went then to Catalunya. The Vth Integral Conference was held at the Tibetan House in Barcelona. Many consider this to be the most important city of Spain. It was a real success with its more than 270 people attending, with the "full capacity" sign at the door. Ken Wilber talked on the phone with us for the first time in Spain for a whole hour in a ‘Questions & Answers’ session that I translated into Spanish. It was a real deep experience for this reason.?We also wanted to support the people from Tibet and the launching of Ken’s Integral Spirituality book which was long waited and presented during the Conference by the publisher himself. In other years we went to other cities of Spain, like Alcalá de Henares or Murcia.?

In 2008, when in?its VIth edition, the Conference had 13 speakers from several regions of Spain and diverse countries. For example, Peter Merry attended from Holland,?and we made an online connection with Terry Patten from the United States and a longer one with Ken Wilber (one and a half hour).?This was also the year of my good-bye to my social outer experience linked to the Integral leadership in Spain. I decided to go ahead into an unknown world, deconstructing an image and an identity that I wanted to reconstruct from a different perspective now. The new angle of a new me. Maybe, I thought then,?I would?get closer to my real Self.??I left the presidency of the Association at the beginning of the year after being the founder and president for 6 consecutive years. I recognized how this movement had to do with the leadership of my own spiritual heart which pushed me even further. And I obeyed.?Integral Conferences in Spain developed throughout 11 years with 3 more presidents on the leadership roles and with the participation of many important thought leaders and activists from all over the world, as well as?the ever presence and support from Ken Wilber himself?in everyone of them and me supporting behind the scenes.?

On my new path I created my own psychotherapeutic integral methodology:?INNER POSITIONING -The Art of Inhabiting Yourself-Strategies for Transformation (book published in Amazon where the whole methodology is explained with practical exercises and the explanation of a real case) as well as a Quarterly Training for IP Therapists.

Unfortunately the energy with which I founded the Association and the Integral Conferences in Madrid (2005 and 2003 respectively) faded along without the support of real involved people in the everyday work needed to maintain the Lower Right Quadrant of reality going: structure, social media and relationship with the Establishment (legalities, treasury, etc.) and therefore the Association lost more and more members and was finally closed in 2015.?As Wilber would say "The centre of gravity or level of consciousness from Spanish people -in average- is between red and blue, using the colours of the value line (exemplified by the Spiral Dynamics method).

No doubt that the reality of Spain is changing as it's the rest of the world, apparently induced by the economic, climate and political crisis that may result in a real change of paradigm. We are seeing on our television here how even the ads claim solidarity, inner consciousness and ecological sustainability. Many are even talking about REGENERATION.?So, we could say that many people in Spain and abroad are becoming aware of the need of living with a higher consciousness, that is a real synergy of the three hearts.

We are also about to see what changes will arise in the political scene of the United States. We thought that with Obama, the world was not ever going to be the same, this time positively speaking and not like in September 11th when the world changed to a more negative scene, due to that devastating terrorist act that took place. As Wilber says, Obama was integrally informed and that could have changed the planet or at least the Western world. But he couldn't make it because the ones around him didn't have that Integral consciousness and didn't permit the development of his ideas.?Now with a shaky old Biden and the long Trump's shadow, everything is shaking.?For many we're on the verge of a worldwide devastation.?

I want to think and feel that even though we're in the midst of an apparent global disaster (in many spots of the world horribly real and physical as in Ukraine, Iran, Afghanistan or Congo and with a now weak American society), that such a situation can create, precisely, a counter-effect on people's awareness that pushes toward a higher level of consciousness that would fight back the unacceptable with new thoughts and new actions which will establish, if maintained,?a more peaceful and loving perspective of life.

Integral Spain as it was created by the Integral Conferences and Integral Spanish Association continues to exist?in the minds and hearts of many people, waiting to have the push to become an established reality again in the right quadrants of Reality.?I know that I’m not the only one that loves Ken Wilber's?Integral Theory.?We are many.?In fact, after leaving the Presidency of the Spanish Integral Association?I became a member of the board for the creation of Integral Europe that finally never came to past.?And yet I founded in 2016 the Integral European Conference together with Bence Ganti and another 3 people from different countries.?Bence took the lead because of the many Integral followers in Hungary (something that unfortunately doesn't happen in Spain) and therefore all Conferences (4 now) take place every two years in Budapest with some 500 attendees from all over the world. We're happy to know and experience the Leadership of the Integral Heart.

Raquel Torrent

Psychologist, Integral Psychotherapist, Coach and Transpersonal Consultant, expert in Mindfulness and the therapeutic use of the Voice.

[email protected]

RAQUEL TORRENT Fith Generation Psycho-Philosophy

Licensed Psychologist, Integral Psychotherapist, ontological coach and Personal and Transpersonal Facilitator.

1 年

Thanks for reading the article and liking it :-) Blessings to all your "hearts"

Elisa Silbert

Senior Executive Finance, Media, Sport, Wellness Industries | Entrepreneurial Director with passion for Building Brands across diverse markets | Integrating AI Powered Marketing with Human Creativity.

1 年

Great piece of article....??People with heart show a fierce commitment to their organization, demonstrating loyalty to their colleagues and passion for the group's purpose.?


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