Leadership goes beyond
Colonel Prashant Rawal (Veteran)
Life Doesn't get easier: Life Coaching Makes You Stronger
? Have you noticed that individuals tend to personally commit to people who possess little authority in the organizational hierarchy but instead have dash, drive, determination, and a genuine concern for team members?
? What does this indicate? That the organization charts are merely Smart Art drawings, far away from the dynamics of the external environment around you. If people really followed organization charts, companies' edifices would collapse.
? In well-oiled organizations, titles are meaningless. At best, they broadcast some authority, an official status conferring the perceived ability to give orders and induce obedience. The real power, which is the capacity to influence and inspire, is no reflection of the titles possessed.
? Non-leaders in management with all the perks and privileges associated with high positions have little influence on the teams, resulting in poor productivity.
? People don’t follow others by accident. They follow individuals whose leadership keeps them motivated.