4 Leadership Myths

4 Leadership Myths

Stereotypes and myths plague our understanding of who is suitable to lead. A?Google "leadership" search yields 356M hits. There is a great deal of ambiguity surrounding leadership and these myths add to the confusion.

Myth #1

One has to be in a position of power to be a leader?is a myth. Position is not leadership. Positions may convey power, but only people can display leadership. The world is awash with powerful people who are terrible leaders while there are countless examples of people without prestige and power demonstrating courageous and selfless acts of leadership to make the world a better place.??

Myth #2

Leaders have to be subject matter experts?is another popular myth. Leaders don’t possess all the answers but they do motivate and empower others to solve problems. You don’t have to be the best player on the team to be the captain, but you must be the best person to lead.

Myth #3

Leaders must be charismatic?is another misconception.?Leaders need not be brazen, witty, and magnetic. A person who exudes quiet confidence that is born of a compelling desire to make things better by serving and empowering others bests those beating their personal drum.

Myth #4

Leaders are born rather than made?is perhaps the biggest myth of all. Each of us has leadership potential from day one regardless of our abilities, age, environment, or education. The leadership seed lies dormant within each of us waiting to be awakened by either a necessity, or mentor, or a spark of inspiration.?

?Anyone can be a leader if they choose to and if they are prepared to offer up the best of themselves toward helping, motivating and empowering others. There are leaders all around us and they don’t occupy a corner suite. They exist on the shop floor and coaching little league. Don’t wait for a green light, or permission to lead. Don't wait to be promoted to become a leader.?Look for a problem to fix and start leading today and you will quickly discover your leader within.

The ambiguity of what constitutes leadership makes it extremely difficult to vett candidates for a leadership role: see my blog post 18 min. read:The Attributes of an Effective Leader.

Leadership Defined

Leadership isn't a science - it's an art. Leadership isn't a title, it's a calling. Leadership that is bequeathed needs affirmation. Even though leadership defies a short definition; we readily recognize it by its presence or absence when called upon.

Leadership is about doing. Reading about leadership is informative and motivating, but it's what is done when you put down the book that matters.

Leadership has no finish line. It's an endless and often thankless journey. Leadership isn't finite.

Anyone can be a leader if they decide to do so.

Leaders welcome regular feedback. They don't fear it because they intuitively know that the higher they rise in the organization the more rarefied the feedback and they know that being relevant is dependant on feedback.

Feedback is the leaders air supply.

Leadership development programs get off on the right foot when they utilize 360 Feedback to personalize coaching and training.

Insights For Performance has been helping organizations grow their leaders since 2003 with our 360 Feedback offerings. Our programs are designed to meet the organizational needs of small and large organizations. Our expert staff provides free consultation and project support and implementation. Reach out today to discover which program is right for your organization.

See my blog post 2 min read. Look Within for Inspiration

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