Leadership Essentials
Leadership is a hot topic at the moment. Ask any Grade 11 during the weeks leading up to voting for next year’s leaders!
But even beyond school, leadership (or the lack of it) is a big issue – from South Africa, to Russia, from the Ukraine across Europe to the UK, and over the ocean to the USA, we get to watch how leadership plays out in the global social, political and economic spheres.
What is quite clear, is that the world needs Strong, Bold, Courageous, and Big Picture Leadership! And by Big Picture, I mean leaders who see beyond their own personal interests, beyond expedient arrangements and agreements, beyond the insecurities of holding onto power or resources, and who are looking for the greater good of the world and its peoples.
So let us look at 3 aspects of Leadership, and then 3 qualities of a good Leadership.
3 Aspects of Leadership
John Maxwell, a globally recognised authority on Leadership, was a young man when he was taught this lesson by one of his mentors:
Everything rises or falls on leadership! Not just some aspects of a school, a sport’s team, a business, a church, or a country. Everything! Is influenced by the quality of the leader and the leadership provided. A good leader causes everything to rise. A poor leader will see things crashing around them.
Leaders carry huge responsibility, because their success, and the success of the people they lead, is determined by how well they lead.
The next essential of Leadership is this: Leadership is always taken! It is never given.
What I mean by this is that unless a person is prepared to step up, stand out, and get going, their title or position as "leader" is meaningless. Real leaders do not ask permission to lead. They simply get on with leading, framing the vision, and setting the pace.
One of the reasons the British military suffered so many set backs in the wars fought in South Africa was due to regimental commanders being given their command, based on a title or position within English aristocracy. The person who is given a leadership position, who is unable to take leadership, will fail.
Only when a leader takes the leadership opportunity presented to them, are they able to gain the respect and trust of the people for whom they are responsible.
Thirdly, leadership is a blend of desire and training!
Many people believe that leaders are born with natural leadership abilities. And so they hold back from taking leadership because they feel they don’t have those abilities.
The truth is this: If you desire to see change, desire to be part of that change, and desire to influence that change, you can learn the skills of leadership. And as you do, you will take leadership!
Many people do not believe me when I tell them that I am naturally shy and reserved! But at some point I realised I had to step out of my comfort zone and learn how to speak, learn how to contribute and learn how to lead. Otherwise the change I wanted to see, was not going to happen.
Leaders understand that If it is to be, it is up to me!
The desire to Be, Do or Have something better is the key driver of leadership.
This is the challenge for you as young leaders who will soon be the leaders of tomorrow.
3 Qualities of Leaders
Now, let us look at 3 qualities of a Leader.
Leaders are readers!
To lead requires wisdom and understanding. And these qualities are developed through reading, reflecting and applying. It is important to read widely, with a thirst for knowledge, understanding and wisdom. And then having the courage to apply what you have learned.
Ancient scripture says, Walk with the wise, and become wise, for the companion of fools suffers harm. (Prov 13:20)
Leaders are continually looking to expand and grow! Develop wisdom and seek understanding. Remembering, that as you grow, you will need to let go of of views and beliefs that no longer help you in your leadership journey.
Secondly, just as leaders seek to grow themselves, good leaders always seek to grow and develop their team.
Nothing is ever achieved in isolation or by an individual. The athlete who crosses the line first; the wing who scores a try; the CEO who leads an empire; or the president who leads a country; all rely on a team of people to help them accomplish their goal and mission.
Making sure that this team is performing at their best is the most important task of the leader. Because the speed of the team, is the speed of the leader. If the team is weak or poorly equipped, the leader cannot lead!
A good leader inspires innovation. A tyrant enforces compliance.
Lastly, as author Simon Sinek puts it, Leaders Eat Last!
This means that the well being of the team is paramount! Leaders look out for the needs of their team before their own. This does not mean that you are a push over or a door mat! No, you are a leader! You are being called to be a strong, bold, courageous and big picture leader.
It means that If serving others is beneath you, then leadership is beyond you!.
And this leadership quality of humility and service is at the core of what you as a Rotary Interactor stands for – and that is the Rotary motto of Service above Self.
A short talk presented to the Rotary Interact Club of Lilyfontein High School in August 2023, by Rotarian Colin Davies