Dr. LemueL King MBA/MS/IT(LTU)/BBA(UL)/Certif ICT/IT WFP.
The brain is the power of you body. The level of brain power you have will enable you to handle many differenced tasks in leaders. But how do one improve their brain power? In many of my article I has pointed out the best approach in improving your brain power and making good decision. I have hear many people speaking on the word decision, but do not have the full understanding what is decision. To leader more about the teaching on decision follower my articles on the topic what is decision.
In short,, decision is a process of tough on the reasoning of good or bad, right or wrong. The word decision had been misused in many ways. Decision, can be divided in to two major parts. Good decision or Bad decision. The procession of carrying out a decision is called decision making. There is good decision making and there is bad decision making. Decision, is a part of life. However, to make decision, you need the amount of date or information in order to make such decision. The best way of such data collections is through acquiring knowledge.
Acquiring knowledge.
the acquiring of knowledge is a key part of decision making. people make good decision base of the amount of knowledge they have about the situations. But what is knowledge?
Knowledge/Is understanding. It is the amount of information you have on a subject. knowledge come by education's, they are knowledge gather from the environments, they are unprocessed knowledge and invalided knowledge or information. meaning they had not been process in meaning fore way to make sense. As mentioned making decision is base on knowledge. You will need to validate the information. However, validating information is very expensive and could take billions of dollar to validate some information, such as about the universe. In order to have vali information one must get education. Education is the only way of having legal vali information. This is why people get educated or educations. Meaning the leave of education a person have make them to be more inform than another person. It also make them to be more intelligent than another person in that area of knowledge. Those who general knowledge are more educated than anyone on the face of the earth.
Leadership knowledge.
In leadership, there are lots of knowledge needed to carry out a worked. Most leader must have general knowledge. Reason is, there will be different kinds or people with different know a leader with have to deal. If such leader lack the amount of know needed to leader, the leader will make many leadership errors.
How can leader get such knowledge needed?
To be a leader you must have leadership education.
Leadership education had been one of the major tool of preparing people for leadership. It improve then in decision making. As mentioned decision can be good or bad decision making. A leader need to understand how to process these data into very rewarding out come.
Decision is relative.
Decision can become relative to different out come. Meaning good or a good decision can be question. Reason is base on culture, religions and other factors. What is consider good in one culture, could be consider bad in another culture.
Accepted Principles
Accepted principles are value the world accept as good and what the world accept as bad. Example would be education or religion.
Living in a culture and is educated to the accepted principle is consider good or bad in that culture. One can be judge by these accepted principle. Some of the best was to improve global is through globalization. Many countries it is people face the problem in decision be of globalizations. Meaning they do not live by the global values.
Leadership and culture
Leadership education had been one of the major tool of preparing people for leadership. However, many leader force their way into leadership by taking, a shorter path to leadership. This cause that leader to not be about to get the education needed on globalization. Such leader will only think in one culture principle of leadership.
This book was Written by: Dr. Lemuel B. King.
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