Leadership Do & Dont's

Leadership Do & Dont's

Leadership is an important aspect for the growth of any business. A leader can either be a team leader or a business owner. In both scenarios, he is someone who has team members/employees look up to him, be it for motivation, an influence or a mentoring. Nevertheless, if a leader lacks the basic qualities of leadership or fails to provide a team member/employee- friendly workplace it is possible that he may either lose them or make them dis-interested or disengaged.

Being a good leader is not an easy task. Since a leader can have a major effect on an employee’s performance he is required to have certain qualities that set him apart. A leader’s qualities can be detected by his way of communication and contribution along with his employees when given an assignment or duty at Notwithstanding, there are some do’s and don’ts in leadership.


 Transparency of information

When a leader is transparent with his team, the employee-employer relationship not only enters a loyal base but also open’s-up a channel for discussion and benefits related to the information. This build’s trust from the employee’s perspective for the leader to share information with them. It makes them feel valued and trust worthy in the eyes of their leader.

When you’re being loyal and open with your team, they will admire the quality and return the loyalty back to you. If you admit making a certain error at work or disclose one of your flaws, you become more admirable to them as a boss. It shows your bravery, this improves communication and understanding between a leader and his team.


Effective listening

Sit and spend time with your team members. Start a casual discussion, not necessarily about work. Listen to them and about their life outside of work. Ask them questions, encourage them to engage themselves and have a discussion. Working can be stressful there will be times when you will find your employee stressful and unable to engage himself at work. Listening is the key, by having a conversation with an employee about what seems to trouble them can not only relieve them but also build a better and strong leader-team member relationship.

Don’t just listen to them for the sake of it but have a one-on-one conversation with them. Stay in the moment and keep an open mind about everything. Keep yourself in their shoes to understand their situation. In order to further upgrade your relationship with your employees, conduct casual meetings and start sharing meals with them.


Take responsibility

Being a leader means, there would be various employees working under you. There can be some crucial moments of inconvenience where a certain task was not completed on time that caused further inconvenience to other departments. It might be one of your team’s mistake. However, a true leader takes responsibility for his team’s achievement also their mistakes and lapse. It is easier to lay blame and braver to take responsibility. Share the credit and take responsibility for the mistakes, a way how inspirational leadership works. Find the problems solution besides finding faults.

Become a goal for your team and gain their trust. Take the responsibility, discuss what went wrong with your team calmly and make sure the problem does not repeat.




Valuing yourself more

Being a good leader means thinking about your team members/employee’s aid before yours. A leader is required to deliver back the services to his people in form of appreciations, benefits and deserving payrolls. Sadly, there exist few leaders who take decisions considering their own benefits into account and evade their employee’s betterment.

One cannot be a good leader without thinking about his employee’s aid. Provide your employee with what he deserves. Promote the employee’s who are more capable than the work they are being given right now. Appreciate your employees and let them know that you are grateful to have them.


Care about profits only

Strong leaders are not consistently profit oriented. Good leaders look forward to learning and development for themselves also for their team. They avoid becoming bothered by little mistakes and tend to learn from them in order to find better ways to progress.

If you keep on enforcing your team to just focus profits, you won’t be trusted and disliked by your employees. If you keep on treating your employees to be only profit oriented, your employees will soon realise that they are no more than a profit-medium to you.


Isolating yourself

A good leader is one who does not make his employees feel that he is the boss. Employees should feel like they are working alongside of you. Work with them and have a discussion together rather than isolating yourself in your office room. Employees feel that you are not on friendly terms and feel you are unapproachable to them.

Hesitation occurs within employees once they don’t feel open to their leaders. The latter can cause a communication barrier and make discussions and meetings to be difficult and uncomfortable. A good leader should not limit himself to his office and contribute his time to his team.

 Leadership is about appreciating and effectively communicating with your team who makes the accomplishments possible along with you. Leadership can be learnt and acquired in great ways, it requires different set of skills which can be learnt and practiced. The don’ts in leadership can be very well improved with desire and training.




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