Leadership is developed... influence is everything!
Albert Sabwa Agala
Executive Leadership Coach | Healing the Soul of Leadership in Business | Building Momentum on 3 Pillars of Leadership - Culture, Alignment & Productivity
There are many definitions of what leadership is, what leadership means and even what leadership does. The one I like and align to most is one popularized by John C. Maxwell. He says, "Leadership is influence. Nothing more. Nothing less."
I like that there is a finality to that statement!
Influence is everything for a leader. If you cant get people to go along with you, then what part of the definition of the verb 'lead' dont you get?
Let me tell you a story...
This past weekend, my son invited his friends over for a sleep over at our house. As a serious introvert, the thought of having a total of 8 teenage boys in the house doesnt excite me one bit. Especially because this was on a day I consider 'sacred' as my recharge time ??.
I like to see myself like a phone battery, I charge up for the week, then at specific times of the week I retreat to my place to recharge ??. If you are like me, you know what I mean. I allowed it and even took the opportunity to fan my cooking skills to feed them - and they ate!
On their last night, I chose to have a conversation which lasted just over an hour. As a dad, I chose to steer the talk towards discussion about their goals, school, future responsibilities, friendships and the value they will bring to the society they are in. For this group of 14 year old boys, I could tell this wasn't a great part of their present thoughts.
What were you thinking about at 14 years?!
I felt it went well yet I hadn't anticipated the kind of feedback I would get - especially from my son.
Some lessons came to light for me on Monday morning when my son talked to me about it.
Here are 3 things I saw this weekend that mirror what I have learnt over many years as a middle level leader.
My son has such great influence on this group of friends. So much that he managed to pull off a sleep over with the group within a relatively short notice. Plus get my wife involved to ensure their mums were ok with the arrangement. I dont think he appreciates fully how his influence (leadership) is showing and extending.
Several of the boys were new to me - I didnt know them that well. Yet they knew me and were willing to listen to me for those few minutes. The things I speak with my sons often on the fly were now great 'aha' for them as well. In the midst of their jokes and teasing each other, we had good discussion, with gems of wisdom.
I don't take lightly that none felt the need to check out of the conversation all through that talk time ??. They allowed me into their sphere of influence beyond the fact that I was their friends dad - and host.
In our discussion, I posed the question, 'What do you think a dad does?'
I got interesting answers that both warmed my heart and challenged me. Well the truth is, God doesnt have a "Plan B" where fatherhood is concerned. My son and his friends will become the next fathers in a generation ahead. If they dont know that now, they will not prepare for the influence and responsibility that will come.
This weekend reminded me of how, as a mid-level leader, we don't realize that we are next in line for more leadership responsibility. Don't wait to get shocked by a handover email when the organization leader goes away on a trip or on vacation. Don't imagine that you will know what to do when offered the next new role.
Do you know what & How to Prepare?
The flip side is a business leader who hasn't taken the opportunity to develop a leadership team around them. To help carry the weight of the business. When a new opportunity for growth comes, the risk of failure due to a lack of leadership becomes a reality.
How are you preparing for your next growth level?
Who are you preparing to lead in your place as you move/ grow forward?
If any of these questions bites a sense of uncertainty, have no fear. I have been there, I get you having faced and solved it several times. You dont have to deal with imposter syndrome or uncertainty in leadership any more because if you engage in our Built2Last sessions this will be solved. As a start, let's schedule a 'Brainstorm' call where we will set out a custom strategy for you to grow through and if you need my support further, we can figure that out.
For now, let's mitigate the uncertainty and build towards greater influence. Let's talk.
Leadership is developed. Influence is grown from seed to sapling to maturity.
Influence is not automatic.