Is there a Leadership Crisis?
A client told me today that in a recent global poll 65% of employees would take a pay cut if their boss were sacked?
I first began my leadership training as a young whipper snapper in a big corporation 35 years ago. While leadership training has changed a lot, it has not moved with the same pace say as technology. There is no wow factor in our leaders. If there were, 65% of employees would not see our leaders in such a negative light or blame them, resist their leadership and scapegoat them.
There still seems to be an urgent need to guarantee behaviour through templated training and then carrot and stick incentives. In my limited experience this does not lead to the organic, authentic, aligned and integrated growth of the individual or to the organic, authentic, aligned and integrated growth of the organisation. It leads to conflict. Energy going every which way but in the direction of growth and expansion.
The autonomy for an individual employee to decide who they are is the most important thing. An individual employee can kick start their own motivational engine when the working conditions are right and they are clear on the task and fully supported by their leaders. It seems it is rare in organisations for people to hear from their boss that their work matters.
Living in a pandemic has thrown a magnifying glass onto organisations and businesses, flaws are now in plain sight and continue to be ignored when they do not fit with keeping the work going - business as usual - BAU. Compassion and recognition are written about conceptually but our leaders are not embedding those human qualities into the whole organisation from top to bottom,
So how might our working environments and our leaders change for the better? Please write about your experiences below, let's gets this conversation started.