leadership at the core
fostering relational leadership

leadership at the core

Oxford’s definition of core - central to the existence or character of someone or something. This sounds like a basic necessity for daily living. I think of my core values as those principles that are “pillars in the ground" which everything else is built upon.

If you will stick with me for the next several paragraphs, I will gladly reveal my core values, and how instrumental they have been in navigating this season of my adventure story.?

This chapter is called, ‘grief packs a gut punch.” In less than 12 months I have prepared three eulogies, traveled just under 9,000 flight miles, and spent more dollars than I want to calculate in travel fees.?

November 24, 2022, my dear Mama closed her eyes on this side of glory. This was, and continues to be a bittersweet time, as her departure left a hole in my heart, as well as provided peace beyond comprehension, knowing that she is no longer in pain, but in full glory with her Savior Jesus Christ.

September 15, 2023, brought the text from my cousin that her dad…and my spiritual mentor, Uncle Vincent, was singing with the angels in glory. Now who will pack every birthday and Christmas card with the truth of God’s Word and prayer?

October 1, 2023, ushered yet another love of my life into glory, when my vivaciously kind Auntie Joan kicked open the pearly gates of Heaven, and announced her arrival to her siblings.

And just to add a little extra to this chapter of growth, in August 2023 I boldly answered the call to surrender my traditional career and launch a solopreneur consultancy firm.?

To say that I’ve woken up several mornings unclear of my geographical location or emotional state, is an understatement. But of this fact I am very clear…I can only put one foot in front of the other, and tackle each moment that comes my way because at my core I am committed to leadership, founded on these principles.

  • Glorifying God in all things (1 Peter 4:10-11)?
  • Interacting with integrity; being kind and confident (Matthew 5:37)
  • Serving with uncompromised excellence, as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23-25)

These tenants direct my steps both personally and professionally, because this is who my Creator has made me at my core.?

This is why it was so clear that Cultivate for Good was birthed for one purpose…to foster relational leadership for purposeful influence. “As leaders we are either driving progress or we are driving the problem!” This is true whether we are managing activities in the boardroom or the backyard.

Our titles come and go, seasons ebb and flow, relationships begin and end, but our character, our core is what keeps us upright and moving forward. So, what’s at your core?

Garvin Maffett, Ed.D. what are your thoughts on relational leadership at its core?

