Leadership Communication Guide Chapter 3: Closed Off
Mindset Matters is based on the premise that your mindset is the biggest factor in determining personal and professional success and happiness.
The 3 R’s will challenge you to slow down to reflect, recognize choices, and respond with the right actions. We hope you leverage this leadership communication guide as an invaluable resource.
At MindsetGo, we're dedicated to helping people shift their mindsets, and this sparked our curiosity about the concept of being "open-minded." We looked up its technical definition, which is: actively seeking evidence that challenges one's preferred beliefs, plans, or goals.
When someone is "close-minded" or resistant to change, three common factors often contribute:?
Self-awareness is the first step toward changing a habit. Build the habit of approaching situations with curiosity right from the start. When someone shares a different perspective, ask questions to better understand their point of view, and remain open-minded to how their ideas might contribute to the conversation or goal. Bridging generation gaps and increasing team members’ willingness to collaborate depends on it.
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Great advice.