Leadership Communication Guide Chapter 2: Stop Guessing. Start Measuring.
Mindset Matters is based on the premise that your mindset is the biggest factor in determining personal and professional success and happiness.
The 3 R’s will challenge you to slow down to reflect, recognize choices, and respond with the right actions. We hope you leverage this leadership communication guide as an invaluable resource.
How can I prove to stakeholders, clear return on investment (ROI) from training programs?
There are three crucial elements to gauge the impact of training programs: skill, commitment, and capacity.
Focusing solely on skill overlooks the two other crucial elements.
While skill may indicate ability, it's a person’s commitment and perceived capacity to consistently apply that skill that provides companies a true assessment of an individual’s progress.
One of our recent client innovations at MindsetGo, is our benchmarking process. At the beginning of a training program, we ask participants to self-assess their skill, commitment, and capacity related to the core competencies being taught. At the end of the program, we measure progress through increased self-awareness, upward feedback, and downward feedback.
Check out our benchmarking assessment for our Leader as a Coach program.
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