Leadership is in the Center
James Arthur Ray
Inc. 500 Inductee | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Leadership, Personal and Business Alchemy | Business Consultant | Personal Consultant | Keynote Speaker
Triple Espresso:
Mastery and Leadership always begins at the center.
Many approach their life and businesses as a series of tactics: marketing, sales, to-do lists, and activities designed to get them a certain result.
Yet the ONLY result we ever seek is the feeling. We seek merit. To know our own worth.
Think about it, you don't buy a car or watch or house because of the material components which constitute its form.
You buy ALL of them (and do ANYTHING for that matter) for how you believe it will make you FEEL.
This feeling is the center and merit we all seek.
The VAST majority of people who come to my events or for coaching come asking, "How do I make more money? How do I start and build my business? How do I lose weight and get in shape? How do I find and live my purpose? How do I get out of debt? How do I meet my dream mate?
Rarely do I have ANYONE come to me asking, "Can you help me feel happy, centered, peaceful no matter what, and fulfilled? Can you help me develop true self-awareness so I really know who I am?"
They erroneously think that playing on the fringes will get to them to the center they seek.
So, like any smart business person, I sell, and often communicate, at the fringe where people are asleep and enslaved.
But I deliver at the center.
True Leaders play and master the center; and thereby all the activities and accomplishments at the fringes follow.
It takes an awakening. A shift in perspective. Getting beyond socialized mind to Super Mind.
Are you ready?
Are you ready to FINALLY Take Your Power Back?! Are you ready to Come Back Strong? Are you ready to STEP UP and LEVEL-UP your game? Join me for two days that will be the PARADIGM SHIFT of a lifetime. From the center EVERYTHING expands. THE REDEMPTION EXPERIENCE? on March 13th-14th, 2021 Go here for details: https://www.jamesray.com/the-redemption-experience/
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