Leadership beyond words: Four strengths introverts have that are key to success
Merge Gupta-Sunderji
Leadership & Workplace Communication Expert: Speaker – Author – Columnist – Consultant; Traveler – Wanderer – Storyteller
In a business world that frequently associates outspokenness with leadership, introverts are often misjudged, or even worse, undervalued for their leadership skills.
It’s a pity. Introverts are just as influential and effective leaders as extroverts; they just bring different skills and strengths to bear.
The key for introverts lies in highlighting and embracing their strengths, rather than hiding or trying to change them. It is not a matter of extroversion versus introversion that produces exceptional leaders; it is how each person uses their innate talents to motivate and get things done through others.
Introverts have four strengths that are also critical success factors in leadership roles.
Introverts usually think before they speak
Even in casual conversations, introverts consider others’ comments carefully. They stop and reflect before responding. They use silence to not only gather data relevant to their decision-making, but to also allow even more ideas and thoughts to come to the surface.
Introverts tend to be good listeners
Unlike extroverts who learn by talking out loud, introverts learn by listening. And the ability to listen well comes with great advantages. Listening gathers data, information that adds to the leader’s knowledge and expertise bank, helping to improve their decision-making ability. ......
This was originally published as one of my regular columns in The Globe and Mail on November 6, 2023. If you have a subscription, you can read the rest on their site here: https://bit.ly/3svfiUH. And if you don't, a pdf version is archived here: https://www.turningmanagersintoleaders.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/GM_ManagementOnline_110623.pdf