Love is Contagious. Lead with more love.

Love is Contagious. Lead with more love.

Leadership is not anger. It's not hate either. Leadership is love. Leadership is freedom. It's a positive influence, not a negative.

With the world on a stage, and being an activist for leadership, leading by example and communication, I had to write this article.

Many of us see leadership from different perspectives. For sure we know that leadership is guidance, direction and management, and then there are our personal choices that go with what our vision of success may be. That differs from person to person and career choice as well.

As I finish up my next book, Lead by Example, I’m shocked at how I wrote the book to reference my rise after a tragic accident that can provide tips for people who are facing darkness and despair, but, with the current landscape, there is a huge relevance and need for this book sooner than later. As I watch the world on a stage and see so much ferocity… my book’s message about calm leadership is ever-more important.

The amount of hypocrisy, lies, ferocity, blaming and unrest on the microphone to the world is disheartening. The media is guilty too. There are many dark souls on this earth right now on the podium and microphone sharing lies, hate and fear. The level of negativity is not leadership to me.

I don’t own a TV but I see clips and articles and with last week’s trial, I was shocked at the immature behavior. Fake tears and coverups caught right there on camera!

The way that N.P. behaved in such a rage with anger thereafter is not leadership; certainly not for the women’s movement to rise up. Yes, we need strong women, but women can be strong with grace. The level of maturity has gotten so bad that I have to speak up from a communication standpoint. We all have to start saying, “This is not what our country is about.”

This is not the type of calm portrayal that our next generation needs to see. This is not the type of behavior, I don’t think, that anyone wants to portray in general. Being angry creates a very bad aftertaste, not only for the person sharing anger, but for the people around them.

One apple does spoil the bunch. But, alas, when they are so rotten, they fall off the trees on their own. But I don't want them to fall, I'd love to see a shift.

It's embarrassing to say, "I was wrong" but it certainly feels good. Cuomo's aid who came out and talked about the coverup- that took bravery for her to do. She is leading by example. Although she did some pretty bad things in the past, her behavior sets a standard to come forward! That is leadership. Making a comeback to be honest after you've done bad is an example.

I am saddened and disheartened but at the same time, I am excited about my mission of kind communication and my mission of teaching people how to be calm leaders, whether it’s from my books or through my coaching. I’m a fan of speaking truth. I have disagreed with so many people in such a kind way through the past several months and it’s breathtaking because we can agree to disagree. We can have healthy conversations that maturely share our point of view. I love openly talking about different opinions with people. It's healthy to disagree!

We can be humble. We can say “We’re sorry.” We can try for better next time. It takes bravery and courage to walk through that embarrassment but it sure is worth it.

This is not a political article. This is a sincere notice of what leadership is not and what it can be - and what can be can bring the country together.

We are all teachers for one another and we are all students. With the world on the stage, please consider your leadership habits.

I bow my head, raise my coffee and send so much love to this world today.

Be kind. Lead with Grace and Lead by Example. And if you know you need help, ask. Coaching is just a phone call away and one thing’s for sure- we can agree to disagree.

Can we please start over?

Elizabeth Barry is a proud leader in the field of communication. She works with professionals who desire coaching to accelerate their success, make better choices, create balance and who want more out of life. 

She has over 20 years of experience advising and coaching within B2B, B2C, entrepreneurial, small business and executive environments. She's a nationally recognized speaker and has six self-published books based on personal and professional development. As a result of her work, clients, audiences and fans are motivated, productive, less stressed, and are happier because of it. 

Elizabeth Barry is a beautiful vessel of emotionally powerful love that will transform your business, career, & communication style with positivity and inspiration.


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