Leadership is all around
Ok - so I had a fan girl moment yesterday when I ran into these four young gentlemen. Yes - I am a Tigers fan (well more like a fanatic but that is another story!)
I was on my way to a shift at the MCG when I saw these Tiger men standing there and I asked them if they would mind taking a photo with me - credit to Ben Rutten for taking the photo. They happily obliged.
So what has this got to do with Leadership? The first Tiger in the shot is Dylan Grimes - one of Richmonds co-captains. He was lovely, obliging and a natural leader with the rest of the group.
Apart from one of these men, they are all Premiership players. And those of you who know Richmond of old, that was once a dream that continued as a dream for 37 long years.
Now I know that most people won't follow the Tigers - they probably don't even like them much like I don't like a lot of the opposition teams in the AFL. But in recent history we had a glorious run. Three premierships in four years. No too shabby.
And how did we achieve this? Leadership from the top down. We set a Big hairy Audacious Goal and we got there - remember when everyone laughed when Benny Gale set a target of 75000 members, regular finals appearances and a premiership?
Leadership from a coach who got the help he needed to succeed - the ability to embrace mindfulness, the ability to stop working on weaknesses and embrace strengths - that is leadership.
And leadership from a captain who led from the front and decided that footy should be fun and the result is just the result.
We embraced doing things differently - it was led by the leaders at every level of the club - it was embraced by the teams and it led to achieving the ultimate goal.
So thank you Dylan, Tyler, Daniel, Noah and Ben for making my day yesterday. You didn't have to but I am grateful that you did.
Oh and by the way - that goal that Brendon Gale set was smashed - five years of 100000 plus members, regular finals appearances and three premierships!