Leadership 5.0 is to connect. It is a verb, not a noun.
Leadership is action and moving. It is a verb. It is not a noun. Therefore it is not a position. Nor even an adjective i.e. in leadership we do not put adjectives on people
The role of leadership is to uplift the spirit of people.
We welcome you to the 61st edition of?Digital Worldwide Leadership . which this week surpassed the landmark of 625.000 followers as the 3.0 newsletter of the 2.0 website of?European Leadership ?which in turn last March achieved another successful milestone: 1.5 Million Followers Worldwide. Contact us at?https://lnkd.in/dUdRAR4 to enjoy leadership
Britannica Dictionary definition of ABOUND is to be present in large numbers or in great quantity. a business in which opportunities abound [i.e.?a business in which there are many opportunities]. If you are looking for opportunities, visit the?Profile 2.0 ?of Jorge Zuazola CEO & Founder?European Leadership ?to contact him digitally in Linkedin once you have throughly read this 3.0 newsletter.
When on the first Sunday of April 2022?Digital Worldwide Leadership ?, newsletter 3.0 was launched by?European Leadership ?website 2.0 this latter had round about 1,050,000 (1.05 M) Million Followers. Today the numbers are
European Leadership ? 1.555 M Followers
Digital Worldwide Leadership ?625,000 Followers
This means that between 70 and 75% of the new followers of the web automatically (i.e. without us having to do any publicity) subscribe to the 3.0 Newsletter
3.0 Mobile Technology
If you read the 2013 story here
you can read
LinkedIn?announced ?that it has acquired?Pulse , the popular newsreader for the web and mobile. The transaction is valued at approximately $90 million in a combination of about 90 percent stock and 10 percent cash. The acquisition is expected to close in the second quarter of 2013.
LinkedIn argues that it is acquiring Pulse because it wants the site to “be the definitive professional publishing platform – where all professionals come to consume content and where publishers come to share their content. Millions of professionals are already starting their day on LinkedIn to glean the professional insights and knowledge they need to make them great at their jobs.”
That is why others influencers then wrote How LinkedIn Quietly Built a Massive Media Empire
which said
The program launched with 150 thought leaders and has since grown to 300 - corporate giants such as Branson, world leaders such as Obama, and authors such as?Daniel Pink . Each person writes as much or as little as he/she wants, and LinkedIn users can subscribe to their articles, and comment on them or share them with their own professional networks. Many write about broad topics such as?leadership ?and?careers , while some write about their own?specialized areas of expertise .
A Disruptive Media Model
I was fortunate to begin writing for LinkedIn Influencers in January. It was during my introductory call with my editor that I realized how disruptive a business model this program is. "I'm so excited to write for you guys, because as a former teacher, I'm really passionate about educating the world about social media and leadership," I told my editor.
"That's great," he replied. "By the way, since you were a teacher, if you want to write about education, we can publish those articles to the feeds of the teachers, principals and school superintendents on LinkedIn."
It was then I realized how amazing a model this is. Offline newspapers and magazines are facing?staggering declines in readers and revenues . Online publications churn out as much content as they can in order to attract readers to their sites and now mobile apps. And yet LinkedIn already has 200 million users across the globe, to whom they can feed the most relevant original content each day. Dave Kerpen
Once you read it you will understand that Leadership 5.0 is to connected as Jack Reid Hoffman, the Linkedin founder, explained 2 weeks ago on the 20th anniversary of Linkedin
which is pretty much what it is explained in 20 years of Linkedin: Gratitude, Opportunities and Leadership below
?Jorge Zuazola ?agrees to it and envisages that these 4 brilliant worldwide leadership opportunities namely:
1. Human to Human Worldwide Leadership Opportunity
2?The Digital Pattern of Success
?3 Necessary leadership steps in the 5.0 digital world
4. The 5.0 Leadership Premium Model for the CEO
as explained in these 4 links below
are indeed a must have in the 5.0 world. Just look at these numbers. This is the 61st edition the 3.0 Newsletter?Digital Worldwide Leadership ?whose?parent 2.0 Website?European Leadership ?has surpassed 1.5 Million Followers as follows:
If you look at
you will realize that there are many other successful leadership cases. And yet American Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership will be launched by the Owner of?Knowitall.ie ?and also has already?Ireland broadband Management worldwide leadership ?up and running.
Leadership 5.0 is to connect. It is a verb, not a noun.??
Once you have read the whole of this 61st edition of our newsletter, you will realize that you probably need our premium leadership model for the 5.0 Digital Age. Feel free to contact us as explained below
Jorge Zuazola CEO & Founder?European Leadership
Former Compliance Monitoring Assistant at FAO Somalia.
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