Storyteller, Mediator, Wayshower, Buillder using Artificial Intelligence (AI), Strategy, Structure, Creativity to make projects/organisations successful *** EXPERIENCED, ENTHUSIASTIC, PASSIONATE, PROFESSIONAL
What and who is a good leader?
The time has come that the OLD leadership ways need to change.
The past 100 years of leadership was for most of the time one of dominance, controlling, greedy and egocentric behavior. A lot of the leaders lived and worked from an ivory tower, did not understand and respected the people, only thought about themselves and their career.
A lot of them (mis)used their positions and power, only to benefit themselves.
Leadership of controlling, greed, image, showing off and BIG egos has to come to an end!
Nowadays we see that this OLD way of leading is coming to an end, and those who live in the past and lead like that are getting out of their positions.
We need a new way of leadership that will be accepted and appreciated more.
At first a leader is a wayshower; somebody who informs, gives advice and shows people which way to take.
But before becoming a leader you need to know WHO you are, your true authentic self and also WHY you are here on earth, and maybe also need to know WHAT and HOW you need to do things. Shortcut being conscious and aware of yourself and surroundings (the world).
To do so you need to be more with people; talk and listen to them, learn from them and be more open, respectful and understanding ... .Being a sensitive and emphatic leader is not being weak. On the contrary , it means that you care and really want to understand, guide, support and help people in a good way.
Compassion, love, harmony, understanding, respect, appreciation, connection and peace of mind are good values of a good leader.
A lot of leaders are more status oriented, they want to control, manipulate and have power over others, being superior, and are afraid to lose that.
A good leader wants to inspire, motivate, support, help people and create new leaders, they know why, what and who they are and are not afraid to help and create new leaders.
A true (authentic) leadership is much more than being an authority…..people who look up to you and so forth. But it is more about the development, growth and helping people to reach/realise their full potential…creating new leaders!
Giving more responsibility to others and being more a coach/mentor/supervisor.
It is not about the outside but more about the inside; (com)passion, vision, mission…
They understand that it is NOT about competition but more about collaboration!
The leadership model we have nowadays is a model of a pyramid (top down model)…those on the top are the most powerful, controlling, manipulative and can do what they want and those below the pyramid have to obey them.
In my opinion this is WRONG! It is outdated!
There is another form of leadership, the round circle (collaborative model)!
In this way you have a leader, a wayshower who is ONE with the rest, there will be no controlling or power issues, because the leader is one with the rest and is not competing but collaborating to solve the problems and help people and show them the way to do the job/work.
This leadership is from the heart (compassionate), being one with the others, appreciating and respecting others and collaborating to help to realise the collective projects/goals/dreams and so forth!
Maybe here and there you can find this kind of leader in the world but we NEED more of these leaders!
I hope there will be more of them in the future!
Love, Light & Blessings to you!