Leadership 101: Do what leaders do!

Leadership 101: Do what leaders do!

Leadership is described as a social influence process in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the completion of a common task. Leadership is the process of persuading individuals and teams to accomplish corporate goals via change. Leadership is a connection of influence between leaders and individuals who want actual changes and outcomes that represent their common goal.

For better or worse, one's leadership capacity always decides their performance and the potential influence of their company. Personal success without leadership ability gives only limited efficacy. A person's impact is a fraction of what it could be with excellent leadership. The higher you want to go, the more you need leadership. The greater your influence, the greater your impact. Leadership is always the key to attaining personal and organizational success. If the leadership is strong, the lid will be raised. However, if it is not, the organization is constrained. My conviction is that the righteousness of a family will never equal the righteousness of its father. "Raise the lid for maximum effectiveness." What you do on a daily basis over time is what matters most in becoming a leader. If you constantly invest in your leadership growth, allowing your 'assets' to accrue, the inevitable result is long-term advancement. Although some people are born with greater natural abilities than others, leadership is basically a set of skills that can be studied and developed.

Meaningful relationships help leaders thrive. We will be unable to sustain successful long-term leadership if we are unable to develop strong, long-lasting connections. We can't lead people until we love them. A leader is great not because of his or her strength, but because of his or her capacity to empower others. A leader's role is to train people to accomplish the work. Working with and learning from outstanding leaders is the greatest approach to learn leadership. Learning to lead and become an effective leader is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Self-discipline is essential for leadership. We will never be great leaders unless we master ourselves.

Leadership requires the capacity to focus and define and achieve goals. According to the Pareto Principle, the top 20% of your priorities will account for 80% of your productivity. Discipline yourself and concentrate on the few most vital tasks. According to John .C. Maxwell(1994), "leaders initiate, and followers respond." If the leader serves as a role model in achieving his goals, the followers will do the same. Leaders spend the majority of their time preparing, predicting difficulties, and reacting to day-to-day challenges. In other words, leaders must invest time in people so that followers will devote time in them.

Key Elements

Leaders and followers: The influencing process involves both leaders and followers; it is a two-way street. Effective leaders affect their followers, and the people they lead impact them. A follower is someone who is inspired by a leader. Good followers are not "yes people," who just follow the leader without providing feedback that impacts them. A excellent follower provides feedback and inspires leaders. If you want to be a successful follower, you must share your views. To be a great leader, you must also listen to others and execute their suggestions.

Influence: The process through which a leader communicates ideas, gains acceptance, and motivates people to support and implement the ideas via change. The core of leadership is influence. Influence is also concerned with the interaction between leaders and people. Organizational Goals: Through a common vision, effective leadership convinces individuals to consider not just their individual interests, but also the interests of the company. Leadership happens when people are persuaded to act in an ethical and useful manner for both the organization and themselves.

Change: Influencing and creating goals are both about change. Organizations must continually adapt to the world's changing environment. Effective leaders recognize the importance of constant change in order to increase performance. People: Leadership entails guiding others. Effective individuals and groups like collaborating with others and assisting them in reaching their goals.

Leadership Levels:

Position : People follow out of necessity. The title is our only source of inspiration. Security is determined by title rather than ability. Appointment, not ability, determines level. People will not obey a positional leader beyond his claimed authority. Working with volunteers, and young people is more challenging for positional leaders.

Relationship : People are drawn to you because they want to. This type of leader devotes time, energy, and concentration to his followers' needs and wants, with an emphasis on personal growth. People are more important to him than processes. He increases the success of people who work with him. Does or does not do "win-win." At this level, deals with tough individuals intelligently since the following adore the leader.

Production : People respect you because of your contributions to the organization. You bring people together to achieve a goal and obtain results. At this stage, leaders must start and accept responsibility for progress. A clear declaration of aim must be developed and followed. Accountability for results must begin with yourself. He must be aware of and engage in activities that yield a high return. Communicate the organization's vision and strategy. Become a constructive change agent. Make the difficult decisions that will matter. At this stage, the follower looks up to the leader.

Growth of people : People admire you because of what you have done for them. At this stage, the follower is devoted to the leader. The leader wins people's hearts by assisting them in their personal development. When you achieve this level of leadership, one of your primary responsibilities must be to produce additional leaders who can influence people beyond your own reach. You should concentrate your leadership efforts on the top 20% of your team. At this stage, the leader must recognize that people are their most precious asset. The leader must provide a good example for others to follow. You must expose leaders to critical growth opportunities. You must recruit other winners and producers to the shared aim. You must surround yourself with an inner core that matches your leadership.

Personhood/Respect : People admire you for who you are and what you stand for. At this level, your supporters are devoted and selfless. You've spent years training and developing leaders. You've become a statesman or consultant, and people want to hire you. Seeing people grow and develop brings you the most delight. You are greater than the organization.

The higher you walk on these steps, the longer it takes. The higher you go, the more dedication is demanded of both the leader and the followers. The higher you go, the simpler it is to lead. The higher you go, the more you grow. You never leave the first level. The stages build on one another. If you are in charge of a group of individuals, you will not be on the same level as everyone. According to John .C. Maxwell, in order for leadership to be effective, we must elevate the group's other influencers. We need to know what level we are currently on. Everyone is a leader because everyone impacts someone. What type of leader are you going to be? Will you put your leadership talents to good use?

Leadership Development Steps

Discipline to Begin (Develop): What is the one thing that has helped you to grow as a leader? Small disciplines lead to enormous confidence. Discipline bridges the gap between desire and attaining. Small, consistent modifications over time have shifted my perception of myself as a leader. As a leader, there will be some tiny discipline that will build a chain reaction of behaviors. Journaling, substantial reading, prayer, and daily confessions You want your team to be more disciplined. Make better systems. What does "when" mean? Redirect it when they do it or correct it when they don't. It is the simple things that no one notices that lead to the large things that everyone desires. The road to public achievement is usually paved with private discipline.

Comparison is one of the most powerful adversaries of confidence. Comparison is a confidence thief. Comparing anything unique to something other is the quickest way to destroy it. Compare your leadership to another leader if you want to kill it. When we are uncertain as leaders and the team lacks dedication, no external win can fulfill our internal desire. Remember, we were never called to be significant by God. He called us to be faithful, and when we are, we are accomplishing something significant. You can't win other people's races; only your own. Yours is unique. If you want to kill comparison, gaze at your victory and run your race.

Change Belief: Your leadership is always moving in the direction of your most powerful notion. If you don't believe you can, you probably won't. You will most likely succeed if you believe you can. Problems will overwhelm you if you focus on them. You will see solutions if you think about them. Most fights in life are fought or lost in the mind. Every time we think a notion, we find it simpler to think it again. You are building bad pathways if you are continuously thinking negative or critical thoughts. Rewiring the brain is what scientists call it. It's what God calls refreshing your thinking.

What wrong belief is intimidating your leadership? Some people think you’re not good enough. You are too young, not good at vision casting, not good with numbers—name it! Be clear about it; you cannot defeat what you do not define. Very clearly and very specifically name the truth that demolishes that limiting belief. You think you’re locked in an impossible leadership situation. I am telling you the door is unlocked; it's time to come out and lead. You are a leader called and equipped for this moment, and because you can, you will speak for those who can't. You are a strong, bold, courageous, and integrity-infused leader. Go out and do what leaders do.


Counselling Psychologist. Advocate for Mental Health

1 年

I'm so enlightened by this. Thank you



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