Leadership 101 - Building small team structure.
In the office work, people say that relationship between co-workers are the most important thing. I totally agree with that. Even though working performance in the end is going to bring business a success, we need teamwork to get there.
Therefore teaming up is quite important role of leaders and it is also one of the hardest job. We have to see what type of work your people are good at and chemistry between them and relationship with adjacent department, seniority etc.
In making organizational decision, especially in the small organization which the leader and the followers are completely on the direct communication basis, we can consider Top-down approach(decision solely from the leaders long planning) and Bottom-up approach(which go through opinion gathering and discussion among team members).
The former approach is probably easier to commence with strong leadership whereas the latter is better approach in making team members to accept better and making fewer inner conflicts.
However, I believe that we would be better off adopting both approaches in the sequence of bottom-up first and top-down later. This way I believe we can get better aspect of both approaches and quick actions in the ever changing business environment so that we can spend more time in the day-to-day job.
Hope to see how everyone sees this matter in your opinion and in the different scale of business units as well.
#team structure #organization #bottem-up #top-down #leadership