Leaders in Times of Uncertainty

Leaders in Times of Uncertainty

These are crazy economic times. For many, this is the first time they have had to worry about the possibility of being laid off, especially in the retail space. The anxiety of whether you will be able to sustain your current way of life lingers as you hear stories of mass layoffs and companies going under. But remember...nothing stays bad forever.

I’m here to say that while we are all concerned for our own well-being, we cannot individually control the decisions made at the highest levels. While the goal of any retail organization is to continue building and thriving, sometimes there may be a retraction, especially when economic uncertainty is present. My longtime retail mentor, Jerry Ford, would often tell me "90% of stress is self-inflicted because we worry so much about things we cannot control". As a young retail manager, I would ponder this point and after hearing it enough I began to put this theory to the test. If I was "stressing" about something I could not control it went to the back burner and my focus was on the results I could control. After all, that was what I was being held accountable to.

All too often we let this "stress" or "uncertainty" get the better of us. It throws us off our game and brings us down. Our teams see right through us and the uncertainty spreads like a contagious cold. Your team's overall performance and potential start to diminish when we outwardly stress about things.

My advice is to STAY POSITIVE and only be concerned about things YOU can control. Staying positive is definitely a choice. If you lead people, they are looking up to you as their role model, not just their boss. Your energy (both positive and negative) create the working environment. Layoffs will happen from time to time and there is nothing you can do about it. What you can do is continue to create an environment of trust and confidence.

As a leader, uncertain times are important times. These times are unavoidable and how we demonstrate leadership is a defining moment. Here are a few tips based on my leadership experience in the retail space:

  1. Acknowledge the concerns of your people. Use empathy to help understand what they are feeling. Never ignore these cues.
  2. Be honest with your team. While you understand what they are feeling, you are there to lead them, whether it is through victory or rough waters. It's okay not to have all the definitive answers when uncertainty lingers. Never lie or sugarcoat the truth with your team. Offer solutions to problems if you can, not just complain or stress about the problem.
  3. Only control what you can. As a leader, you CAN still deliver great results in good times and bad. As a leader, you CAN continue to develop your team with the interpersonal skills needed to be successful. As a leader, you CAN stay positive and continue supporting your company's mission. Finally, as a leader, you CAN create a work environment where people feel secure and appreciated.

In conclusion, it takes time, patience, and energy to develop these leadership skills. If you struggle in this area, there are training resources available to help you. I can direct you to training resources if needed. Training is a process, not an event. That goes for your own development as well as your team's development. If you invest the time and energy into leadership development, you will lead a team that is certainly indispensable. Make the choice to stay positive and create a positive work environment! Only worry about things within your control and don't show self-inflicted stress to your team! Finally, develop yourself and others so well that you will always be relied upon to support your company's mission. I hope this is one lesson you can take back to your job and put into practice. I wish you continued success...


