A Leader’s “Speedy Boss”; The 4 Keys to Leading Fast & Better… and What to Do When You’re the Employee of a “Speedy Boss!
Andre Young
Leadership & Work/Life Harmony Speaker, Author, Leadership Trainer, & Founder of You Evolving Now, LLC
Have you ever had a Boss that has their hands in EVERYTHING? You respect their mind, their ability, and their passion… but if they interfere one more time, make one more change without you knowing about it, talks to your contacts; messing up existing projects, changes one more thing at 1:30am, or on a Saturday afternoon via email while you’re with your family, you’re going to snap?
Perhaps you’re the Boss with a million ideas, your brain is always going a thousand miles per hour, and you not only think you can pull of the impossible… you have a proven record of doing so! In my 5 Types of Leaders, this leader is “The Visionary”. They tend to stand on the mountaintop; have BIG ideas (some great, some good, some not so good) and they have the determination and connections, to make it happen. Sounds like a great thing, right? It’s a wonderful mix of vision and tenacity… however, like with anything, there’s Pros and Concerns. The Pro is the impossible keeps being pulled off… leading to unprecedented success, beating and outlasting recessions, revenue growth, and company growth! The Concern can be burning your people out, high turnover, and a dysfunctional, yet profitable working environment!
As a Professional Speaker & Leadership Trainer, a company once asked me to provide 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions to one of their top Employees. She was described as unable or unwilling to delegate, stressed, and disorganized. Long story short, within twenty minutes of meeting with her the issue was clear. Yes, she was not delegating! Yes, she was stressed… and Yes, she appeared disorganized; as the poor woman was close to having a Panic Attack and mentally unraveling; not because she was a poor worker, but rather her boss was continuously making decisions on a whim and sharing the ever-changing ideas and tasks with her all throughout the day… then suddenly changing them again via text messages at 1:30am, 4:30am, then again the following day!
“The Speedy Boss” would set the wheels of a deal or task in motion; then have side conversations and make side deals without her or the team’s knowledge or involvement… then she would be responsible for project changes and repercussions! While speaking with, let’s call her Linda, she stated… “How and Why would I delegate anything; only to have to stop and contact six people to re-explain everything six times, when I can just do it myself?”.
This was a tough question to answer! I want to be clear, this situation does not make this Boss a bad person or a bad business person… however, it’s definitely having a negative impact on their Leadership and Workplace Culture. So, what to do if you’re the “Speedy Boss” and what to do if you’re the Effected Employee?
When You’re “The Speedy Boss”
Whether you’re in a position of Leadership or a Leader of your personal life, it all starts with increased self-awareness! Know who you are and your tendencies… if you tend to cut people off when they’re speaking, have ideas late at night and think it’s OK to email them out, or fire of texts and emails on a whim, whatever your tendencies… don’t be the last to know! As “The Speedy Boss” be aware of your superpower to have ideas, your ability to make something out of nothing, your ability to Lead through tough times, and make it out the other side!
Also, be aware that your brain and planning style may be moving much faster than others… and as your Team and organization grows, so is the ship you’re steering. In the past, the shift of an idea or direction was as easy as turning a jet ski or motorboat. Due to company growth, it’s like trying to turn on a barge… it’s not the same anymore! There are a lot more people involved, a lot more small and big conversations that need to be had, and a lot more lives impacted… Be Mindful!
Yes, you’re the Boss and have every right to make decisions you feel are best and necessary. Sometimes, your People don’t understand the decision you made was to keep the company afloat; allowing you to still employ everyone, or to fend off something bigger they don’t see looming. However, perhaps the way you’re making decisions, sharing decisions, and expecting your decisions to be acted on are unrealistic and potentially abusive?
When a Leader has CONTROL of a project, a plan, or situation… here’s my Can Control Formula:
Brainstorm – As a Leader, perhaps you brainstorm alone. Perhaps you brainstorm with Leadership mentors, your Direct Reports, or your A-Team comprised of Employees at various levels throughout the company.
Collaborate – Share what you’ve brainstormed with who will be receiving the idea… perhaps it’s your teams, clients, or customers. Just because it’s a good idea doesn’t mean people want it, want it in the way you desire to provide it, have the bandwidth to follow through in your desired timeline, ect.!
Decide – Actually decide on what the plan will be!
Implement – DO THE PLAN! – This sounds so simple, yet I know you’ve sat in 17 meetings about the same thing… and nothing’s happened yet!
Collaborate – Once you or the Team have implemented the plan; collaborate again to see if it’s working the way you anticipated… or not!
Fine-Tune – Does it make sense to continue as is, increase it, do something different, or scrap it?
Repeat – This is a process worth repeating regarding success!
Your People!
As a “Speedy Boss” who brainstorms a variety of ideas… you’re going to need a variety of people! Can you imagine if everyone was like you… coming up with great ideas but on to the next thing just as quickly? In other articles, I discuss Employees with various professional superpowers. We need Employees who can close deals, cross all of the T’s and dot all of the I’s, transfer our vision and message out to the world, be our muse, follow a script, and more. However, as “The Speedy Boss” one of your most value Employees may be “The Buffer”!
No matter yourt Leadership Type, you may become more distanced from your Front-Line Staff as the organization grows. Yes, I share how to make intentional and unexpected visits throughout your company, but the truth is… there’s more and more separation as the company grows. Your Managers and Front-Line may also tighten-up a bit when you come around. Therefore, every Leader, especially “The Speedy Leader” and “The Intense Leader” will benefit from having a Right-Hand Person they can trust, does great work, operates with a natural capacity as a connector (social, engaging, likable, knowledgeable, and who people trust) to be their “Buffer”!
“The Buffer” naturally connects with Teams, Managers, and Employees… and you allow them to tell you ANYTHING! It’s like you’re Batman and “The Buffer” is Alfred (Batman’s Butler if you’re unaware). At first glance, this may read in a disrespectful manner… as I’m not suggesting “The Buffer” is a butler. Rather, the opposite… Batman trusts no one more, no one can talk to Batman as directly as Alfred can! Alfred outright challenges Batman, sees him for who he really is, and sometimes saves the world… or at least Gotham City, by doing so! Batman never fires Alfred and Alfred is the glue that truly holds everything together. As “The Speedy Boss”, who’s your Alfred?
Care & Reward!
One of the downsides of “The Speedy Boss” is they’re typically on to the next thing before the thing stressing everyone out is ever completed! Remember… your company and your ideas are YOUR BABY… not everyone else’s; and no one can love your baby like you do! Therefore, your Direct Reports and staff have labored and exhausted themselves bringing your baby to life, saving it, or rescuing it… and when they pull off the impossible… all you send them is a Thank You Email or a texted Thumbs Up Emoji… NO!!!!
Caring For & Rewarding your Team doesn’t mean you need to know every little thing it took to pull off the impossible, but we need to know enough to properly reward and care for our people! Years ago, I wanted an App for my business… allowing people worldwide to receive my Leadership Thought of the Month, a Question of the Week, a quote once per week, and more. I reached out to my Web Team and asked if this could be done. Alyse, the Head of the Team and an even more wonderful person, said “I’ve never done it before, I’d like to challenge myself and the Team! If you’d pay me in patience, that would be great.”.
As she and her Team worked on the App and debunked glitches… I remember receiving the news it was done and my arms shot up in the air and I’ve never felt so victorious! Had I texted a Thumbs Up Emoji… could you imagine their reaction, thoughts, and feelings?
As a “Speedy Boss” you don’t have to know everything, but be curious enough to know what the impossible really cost your people! It was important for me to know Alyse and her Team were up until 2:00am working with a Developer who was on the other side of the world at their 2:00pm.
These are the 4 Keys to Leading Better as a “Speedy Boss”, but what if you’re the Direct Report or on more of the Front-Line? Here are six things to enhance your Leadership & Work/Life Harmony:
When You’re the Direct-Report or Front-Line Employee!
2. Suggested Solutions – When “The Speedy Boss” occurs… and he/she will… offer suggested solutions to best tackle the project, offer solutions to help you best reprioritize, and/or professionally share your list of current projects/tasks and ask them how they prefer you to prioritize best. You may find they had no idea you were doing so much or you may find out they know and don’t care… either way, you’re going to find out a lot about who you work for… Be Mindful!
3. C.Y.B. – As things change at mock speed with a “Speedy Boss” it may become essential to Cover Your Butt! I’m sure you’ve heard this term. It may mean CC’ing your “Speedy Boss” on all things related to their plans and sudden changes. Many “Speedy Bosses” like being kept in the loop. Those that don’t may be astounded by how much you actually do! Some may not care at all and simply want the job done… this reaction will tell you all you need to know about them and the organization. Perhaps you keep a private file of all you do. When questioned about a project, a change, a mishap, etc… you will have an answer to a question or accusation you would have never been able to remember on your own!
4. Connections – As you work for a “Speedy Boss” you’re going to come across various professionals within your company, outside your organization, and throughout the world. “Speedy Bosses” tend to think BIG and BIG ideas require all different types of BIG Professionals and heavy-hitters within your industry. Do great work, make positive connections, and be so great that these Connections never forget you and may even want you on their Team one day… you never know what the future holds!
5. Boundaries – Remember that email your “Speedy Boss” sent you at 1:30am or on Saturday afternoon and you responded to it? You’d be surprised how quickly responding one time can become “The New Norm”. Set boundaries regarding your working hours, your vacation time, and your YOU-Time!
6. Follow-Through – Be sure your work is GREAT WORK! Your name will become synonymous with your work; therefore, do what you said you would do, on time, and exceptionally. When it’s time to be rewarded… either your organization will, another organization will, or you’ll start your own organization!
“Caring For and Rewarding your Team doesn’t mean you need to know every little thing it took to pull off the impossible, but it does mean you need to know enough to properly reward and care for our people … Be Mindful!” – Andre Young
Written by: Andre Young
Ready to enhance The Leadership Skills of your Leaders, Teams, and within your Organization? Click www.youevolvingnow.com to connect, chat, and customize with Andre Young!!!
Thank you for sharing. You can also check this related post: "9 Lessons You Will Never Forget from Your Horrible Boss" https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/leadership-avenue_personalgrowth-linkedin-mindsetmatters-activity-7296014392503021571-bDbv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android&rcm=ACoAAA3SaJYBYrHTvFg5fTo7DMj_nSPNg1UPRds
Chief Learning Officer | Board Director | Consultant | Mentor - Human Resource Development, Organizational Development and Leadership, and Higher Education
2 周Good Insight! Love This! Thanks for sharing!