‘Leaders in Society': OC Michael Graham
It was a real pleasure to welcome OC Michael Graham (6526), Group Executive Chairman at GRAHAM, back to Campbell College yesterday morning.
Presenting to a group of 20 Year 13 students, all of whom are studying STEM subjects, Michael was joined by a colleague from the GRAHAM BIM (Building Information Modelling) team.
Michael spoke to 'A Career In Construction', emphasizing what a 'broad and fascinating industry' it is. He drew out for the students the multiple routes of entry into the industry, as well as emphasizing what employers today are really looking for. It was fascinating to then hear from Michael just how much technology has already changed the industry.
The session ended with a fascinating and very 'hands on experience' for the students; each was given the opportunity to don the 3D headset and set out to explore a digital representation of a site under construction (there was much teleporting involved!)
As Michael himself put it, "I was delighted to have the opportunity to talk to the boys about the varied and rewarding careers available in Construction. In the UK alone there are over 3 million people employed in the industry or 10% of the working population delivering for £90bn of benefit to the UK economy annually. It is estimated that some 400,000 recruits are needed each year for the built environment sector between now and 2021 to create the homes and infrastructure the nation needs.
Construction is an industry that has multiple entry routes and unlike some offers genuine opportunities for all to develop and progress up through the ranks to the most senior leadership positions.
With this range of careers available there is high job satisfaction in being able to see what you do develop before your eyes and when finished being able to look up at your project and say “I built that”.
Hopefully through the demonstration of technology we are currently using in the company I challenged some preconceived perceptions of construction. It was great to be able to share how we now use things like camera drones to conduct survey work on road projects; reality capture technology to conduct building surveys on refurbishment schemes and virtual reality to build digital models of building to sort out any problems and work out methodologies long before we start work on site."
Are you an OC interested in being part of this ongoing 'Leaders in Society' initiative at Campbell College?
If so, delighted to hear from you and will make your interest known to those within the OC Society and College who manage this programme.
Please email: Suzy McIlveen, Alumni Relations, [email protected]