Leaders Set the Tone
Mike Kaeding
Real Estate CEO. Solving the US housing affordability crisis with @Norhart. We design, build, and rent apartments in MN. BSc. Computer Science. Workaholic, passionate. Husband & Dad. YPO member.
Under a stressful situation, have you ever noticed the difference of how good leaders respond and how bad leaders react?
A bad leader is driven by their emotions.
A bad leader makes impulse decisions.
A bad leader sees one side of the problem, without problem-solving.
“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another,” William James.
In contrast, a mature leader knows that how they respond will directly impact the organization and everyone else involved.
During these moments, good leadership is more critical than ever.
Whether the stress is something internal or external, a crisis, or an exceptionally busy season - how one responds is important.
Leaders set the tone for the rest to follow.
Leaders can't just react, they need to be calm, show composure, be considerate and thoughtful before giving a measured response.
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HR Payroll-Accounts Receivable Director Saginaw County Youth Protection Council
5 年What’s worse, a “leader” who is unaware of their inappropriate emotional response to a stressful situation or a “leader” who is aware, but doesn’t care?
Commissioned to Write/ Self-published
5 年Better yet, let the Holy Spirit control your heart.
Helping High-Achievers Thrive: Weight Loss, Stress Management & Sleep Optimization for Entrepreneurs and Remote Professionals
5 年So true! The road to success and contentment is an inside job????
Works at Abigail Farm Supply, Inc.
5 年What's inside us will determine the actions we will do and in the end give us the results. Disagreements inside us should be managed well in order to be ready to face uncontrollable circumstances with wisdom and resilience.
Servant Leader and Retired Innkeeper
5 年I needed to be reminded of this after reading another thread- thank you!