I've always believed in the power of absorbing knowledge. I am a voracious reader (listener -audiobooks). However, the way I read and absorb knowledge has matured over the years.

I would pick a subject matter, find a book (or one recommended) and read that book, make my notes and get onto the next book in the subject matter. I wanted to "learn" as much as I could on the topic from as many sources as possible.

What I realised though, I was going wide across the content, but not deep in the context of the application of the learning...therefore I wasn't owning the concept.

Today, much wiser I now find a book I like and listen to it (on Audible ) at least 3 - 4 times in a row...minimum. I've learned to read less, more. If I read /listen to a book and it was good, but didn't really challenge my thinking or open my mind and heart more, I move on. When I find that one though...gee I go all in on that book. So much so I usually buy the actual book and then make my notes in it.

On the subject of taking notes, I will highlight the part of the book that inspired the thought, but I will write the thought down. What it made me think is far more valuable than the line or quote that sparked the thought.

Find a book (or perhaps it will find you). Read it a minimum of 4 times over to really embed the lessons from it. Spaced-repetition is the mother of all skill. Then take actions in your life on the lesson and see what you learn from doing it.


And wisdom is gained from applying knowledge, not just gaining it.

Dave Clare, CEO & Founder - Circle Leadership

If you want to learn more about how to have your best year ever, please reach out to us to have a discovery call:


They say that people don’t remember what you say, they remember how you made them feel.?

Is it possible then that the same can be said for books??

This strong (week) at Circle Leadership, Dave, myself and the team have been incessantly ruminating and diving deep into the teachings of our favourite books, our current reads and how we absorb and embody information and learnings.?

For some, reading as many books as possible is their definition of success.?

But like Dave alluded to in our chat this morning “no one ever lost 20 pounds from reading a weight loss book.”?


Except for maybe if they took 2 weeks to read it and didn’t get up to eat that entire time.?

Maybe then.?


Ohhh could this be the next ridiculous weight loss fad??

For others, having 3 or 4 books on the go at any point might be their idea of a diverse and learned time.? I know this has definitely been true for me and my 600 personalities – depending on my mood I might just need some Cyanide and Happiness comics, other times I’ll be desperately seeking out the illusive meaning of life in either a new fang dangled self help book or an old classic (think ‘Think and Grow Rich’... see what I did there?? Hilarious!).? I also love reading about people’s stories of overcoming and titles like ‘11 Bats’ really got me going last year.?

Sometimes I want to listen on Audible, other times I want to hold the thing in my hand, dog ear the pages and highlight key points in pretty colours because #highlightersarefun.?

But what I think Dave and I both agreed on... potentially in our entirety, potentially for the first and last time, is that if you stumble across a good book – one of the ones that moves you, that you can FEEL – read that sucker over and over again.? And again.? And again.? And again.? And then?? Again.?

Go deep on that stuff.?

Because is it possible that every time you read it, you evolve even further into greatness?? By the time you come back around to reading the same sentence, you’re doing so from a different perspective, a higher vantage point with a bunch more experience that you can apply against the learnings in order to:?

A) draw more meaning from the words, and?

B) draw more meaning from life...?

... as a result of being able to map the words and the application of them??

Is there a book like that in your life right now?? Or maybe you have one that constantly goes with you everywhere and is the gift that keeps on giving??

My current book that I can’t get enough of is James Clear’s ‘Atomic Habits’.? I know I’m a little slow on the uptake with this one, but I don’t like doing things ‘when they’re cool’, so I waited.? Lol.? I listened to it on audiobook first, instantly regretting rebelling against myself and immediately knew ‘the real thing’ needed to be in my life.? As soon as I’d bought a copy, I leant it to a friend because I’m an evangelist for good things like that, and now I’m without a copy again but that’s ok!? Wicked reads are funner with friends!?

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My ‘go with me everywhere book’ that I continue to read front to back on repeat is Gay Hendrick’s ‘The Big Leap’.? If I had to choose one book forever, 'The Big Leap’ would be it.? Always within arms reach.? I take it when I travel.? It lives on my bedside table when I’m sleeping, and on my desk when I’m working.? It’s like a comfort blankie.? Sometimes I won’t pick it up for months but it’s always there... however when I do, I’ll binge read it for days until I’m done... then I start again.?

Maybe it’s part of my AOADHD tendencies, but I like having the option of either bingeing on one thing until I’m done with it, or all of the things all at the same time.? Food and books alike.?

Some of my other favourites are of course the aforementioned ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill (I ‘think’ it was my first PD book ever when I was 23 - haha see I did it again!), The Celestine Prophecy (OMG LOVE!) and anything by Sarah Knight, James Smith or Kitty Flanagan (especially on audiobook and she’s narrating).?

Same with podcasts, LOVE podcasts and get around them daily.? Loving being featured on them too actually (shameless plug – CALL ME!).?

Of course we have Circle Leadership’s ‘Evolution of Business Show’, and I also love my friend Breeanna’s ‘Miss Mindset Podcast’, Craig Harper’s ‘The You Project’ and ‘The Imperfects’ hosted by Hugh van Cuylenburg is always a feel good winner.? And I’m a loyal and raving Abraham Hicks advocate.?

Actually I want to add some more favourite books to my list now.?

Anything Abraham Hicks (ya’ll know I’m into that stuff by now).?

Harps’ ‘Pull Your Finger Out’ is one of the best things I’ve ever read and definitely the inspo for my book.?

Hugh’s ‘The Resilience Project’ was quite possibly the best gift anyone could have given me at the time that it was.? They say people are in your life for a reason, season or life time – and this person I literally ran into at my favourite place in Perth... then we chatted for about a week until I found out he was a Freo supporter and then we couldn’t be friends any more (jokes, but srsly).? But during that week he told me about ‘The Resilience Project’ and I honestly believe we collided so the Universe could deliver that book to me.?

BUT, enough about me and my book fiascos, which books are they for YOU?? The ones where you can’t even remember what was so good about them except for that you felt something stir.? Like the words and the author saw you, got you.? And is it time for you to get in and around those words again?? (And again, remember?)?

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We’d love to hear what it is/they are!?

And if you haven’t found a book like that yet, might I mention one that might get things moving for you.?

By our very own Dave Clare.?

Simplified Leadership is Simple – You Lead People.?

He is Mr Simple after all :D?

Lisa Ferguson, Leadership Coach at Circle Leadership


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It is well known that ideas are easy and execution is hard. We decided to study why some people execute at a far greater rate than others, including our clients.

What we found were four simple things you need to have in place to execute at a far greater rate than you ever have before.

We created the?F.A.S.T. Execution??method to bust the myth that execution is hard. This group is here to provide you with an amazing community all trying to use the four elements and use them to execute fast.

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Perfect! Now let's create focus, accountability, simplicity, and transparency for you and your business and get you executing at a far greater rate than you ever have before!




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We’ve been working with organisations just like you for over 25 years and have consistently been able to sustainably evolve businesses and the people who lead them to scale larger than they ever have before to stay relevant in the hearts and minds of the people they serve.

So why do we call this our?Best Year Ever Workshop, you wonder?

Because when you’re done with this workshop, you’ll have all the tools you need to literally make this year, your best year ever.

You will walk away with?HOW TO?steadily and progressively increase your capabilities and your capacity for greatness, so you can:

  • Evolve your business to stay relevant… without losing your team, your health, your connection with friends and family, and your toys -
  • Create total organisational alignment…build a decision-making filter that gets everyone on the same page without having to do all the thinking yourself
  • Achieve more with less…increase your?PRODUCTIVITY AND PROFITS?in the business without having to work harder than ever.

Where most workshops get you working on the business, instead of in it, we will get you working out of your business!



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They say that Leaders Are Readers, but how much should you read? This weeks livestream we are going to dive deep into reading (listening to audiobooks). As a published author and multiple times co-author, Dave is going to share his take on books. Dave & Lisa are going to talk to you about the strategies to maximise learning from books.



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Please see above...you get the point.



Ideally, this?#newsletter?is for you. Yeah, we might share the odd humble brag, but its intent is to add value and inspire more purpose-driven leadership worldwide. If you have a question on a relevant leadership, culture, or strategy topic, please ask and we will provide our insights.


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