Leaders Raise the Bar
James Arthur Ray
Inc. 500 Inductee | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Leadership, Personal and Business Alchemy | Business Consultant | Personal Consultant | Keynote Speaker
Triple Espresso:
True Leadership is not about lowering the bar; it's about raising the bar.
We live in a world that has by and large lowered the bar in so many instances.
We give our kids "participation trophies" versus "production trophies."
Oh, we don't want to harm their little psyche's now do we?
Dweck's research proves that condoning the underachievers harms them MORE.
We're graduating our kids from schools who can barely read, much less perform.
We overlook and condone poor performance from our teams and even our vendors. It's become "okay" to say, "Oh, I didn't get that text or email; or to show up late or even pull a no-show."
NO! It's NOT okay.
The masses are so busy being busy that their work has become mediocre and pedestrian.
Mastery and true leadership are sorely lacking and often non-existent.
It's time to raise the bar.
Your life is NOT about doing "just enough to get by."
Your life is NOT about "working hard for a few years so you can no longer work; and have the proverbial 'lifestyle.'"
Your life IS your work.
Your results are a reflection of you!
Your work is what you're trading your very life for. Each and every single day.
Leaders NEVER do just enough to get by.
True leaders lead their own lives; and they lead the field by constantly asking:?
"How can I be more?
"How can I do more than expected?
"How can I give 10X more value than anyone else expects of me;
"And thereby bring my own gifts and greatness to the world?"
Leaders don't quit when they're tired, or when they've "done enough."
They quit when it's done!
And they also realize that it's truly never done.
It's time to be a leader in a world of "enough to get by."
It's time to raise the bar in a world of "good enough."
This is the price we ALL must pay for our own Redemption.
This is the price of Leadership. Look, life has kicked me and sucker punched me HARD. Just like it probably has you as well. But I can help not only get through it but COME BACK STRONGER! Leadership for The Future on August 27th-29th 2021. 3 Days that will transform the rest of your days. Details here:
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