A Leader’s Personal Leadership; The 5 Keys to Enhancing that Intangible Thing Inside of You People Feel Compelled to Follow!
Andre Young
Leadership & Work/Life Harmony Speaker, Author, Leadership Trainer, & Founder of You Evolving Now, LLC
As a Professional Speaker and Leadership Training, when I speak at conferences and train at companies; it’s imperative I break Leadership down into 3 parts: Personal Leadership, Daily Leadership Skills to effectively Lead a Team, and Work/Life Harmony. I define Personal Leadership as the consistent ability and willingness to be Positive, Passionate, & Productive in how you show up to your Life, your Relationships, and your Work… in a way that others want to follow you because they respect and admire how you are and who you are.
This doesn’t mean we behave perfectly; it does mean when you falter, you bounce back faster than others. Your Personal Leadership will yield better connections and work/life harmony; while your daily Leadership Skills to effectively Lead a Team will yield better communication and results… both are important, but very different! We can explore Professional Leadership Skills in another blog; today, we’re focusing on your Personal Leadership and the 5 Keys to developing it. So, what are they?
Vision & Vision Factors!
If you’ve been following my books and videos, you’re probably tired of hearing me reference your Vision & Vision Factors. Good, that means it’s working! As a Leader, you must know your Vision for your Team/s and the 3-5 things that when done consistently, your vision must come true (your Vision Factors). As true as this is professionally; it’s as true for your Personal Leadership!
Therefore, what’s your Vision for YOU as a person? Who do you want to be? I asked myself this question a while back, closed my eyes, and saw ME! I was sitting in a café, sipping coffee, reading an article, and wearing an “old money” style outfit. More importantly, this man (ME) looked calm, confident, unbothered, smart, willing, strong, formidable, yet still approachable. Since seeing this vision of myself, I haven’t gone a day without asking… what would he do? In times of professional stress, what would he do? In times of relationship stress, what would he do? Parental stress, what would he do? When I’m bored, what would he do? The answers you’ll get from the person you desire to be tend to be positive, beneficial, and productive… Be Mindful!
Lastly, knowing your Vision & Vision Factors allows you to know what to say “Yes” ?and “No” to when things are offered by your Bosses, Coworkers, Friends, Family, etc; making your “Yes’s” powerful and your “No’s” meaningful! Personal Leadership is amazing, as you’ll naturally begin to attract the right people in your life and repel the repel others with your daily choices and how you carry yourself! Remember, everyone isn’t ready for your evolution at work and in your personal life… but, when the “Not Ready” get ready, they’ll know where to come and you’ll be even better when they do!
Do you want to enhance your Personal Leadership Skills and be a better Leader professionally? Re-evaluate your idea of “Fun” at work and outside of work! I can still remember the funniest Coworker I ever had the pleasure of being around. He was FUNNY and truly made me laugh out loud. He had a knack for appearing miserable and would say some of the most outrageous things that would make your sides hurt, but he could then flip the switch and get his job done and take care of a customer like a Pro!
Is your idea of “Professional Fun”, gossiping or venting about the job and other people all day? Is it hanging out in other people’s offices, shooting the breeze and inadvertently slowing down production? Or, is your "Fun" productive, curious, light-hearted, and able to make people better and your clients/customers satisfied?
A big part of your Personal Leadership is enjoying your life outside of work. The more fulfilled you are as a person, the more it will unintentionally show at work and on your virtual calls. Be mindful, your idea of "Fun" changes over time and it’s YOUR JOB to put your “Fun” into YOUR calendar and follow-through!
My idea of fun has changed from my teen years to my 20s, 30s, and 40s, and now I am headed into my 50s. I like smoking cigars, target shooting, going on dates with my wife, hanging with my kids, spending time with my aging Dad, and planned group get-togethers with my friends once time per month. I’ve been faithful in putting my “Fun” in my calendar and am more fulfilled, relaxed, satisfied, and ready for my work week and every Monday! My wife loves DIY Projects… its her “Fun” and she returns to work with a clearer head, joy in her heart, and with positive, passionate, and productive stories to share. Remember, Personal Leadership is how you choose to show up to your work, your relationships, and your life. When you take care of YOU, people notice, are attracted to it, curious, and may start to do the same!
What’s your “Fun”? What hobbies do you enjoy? Are they in your phone’s calendar? Do you know your People’s answer? Your Partner’s? Your Kid’s?
Although Personal Leadership has much to do with you, it’s difficult to inspire your Direct Reports, Employees, and Coworkers when your relationships aren’t right! Who would want to be you when you’re on your 17th marriage, professionally burnt-out, look like you’re about to have a heart attack, your kids disrespect you, and you have no one to be positive with or have “Fun” with? Therefore, relationships matter!
On a scale of 1-10, ten being the best; how would you rate YOU as a:
A Person – The best relationship you can have is with YOUSELF; since you spend the most time with YOU!
A Partner – Significant Other, Husband, Wife, ect.?
Ex-Husband/Wife (if it applies) – Don’t think this role doesn’t impact your Personal Leadership; especially when young children and finances are involved!
A Parent – I have four children; believe me, I have four different ratings!
A Professional – Your Title, Role, and Duties at work!
Coworker – You could be Leading the heck out of your Team, but a nightmare across departments or in meetings… be Mindful!
Other Roles to Rate: Friend, Grandparent, or any role you hold in high esteem. Feel free to list them all!
Next, honestly rate yourself and follow-up with these three things:
No matter what you believe or practice; is it bigger than you? Is it making you better instead of bitter? Is it helping you to positively impact others? If so, great! If not, I’d suggest exploring something that does!
As much as you and I practice enhancing our Personal Leadership Skills, life is GOING to happen! It’s not about fair or unfair, it’s life. I’ve been sick and suffered near-death experiences, I’ve burnt-out of a career, I’ve lost my Mom, and I have no idea what’s around the corner… but, I do know the great, the good, the bad, and the ugly are all coming. When things get too big for me and my Personal Leadership; having something bigger than me to lean on, guide me, hold me accountable, and be grateful for has gotten me through the toughest of times! People may not know all there is to know about your spirituality at first… what they will see is your Personal Leadership regarding how you choose to show up to your work, your relationships, and your life through your worst times and will be impressed enough to ask, “How do you do it?”. That’s when you get to share your wisdom… Be Mindful!
Intentional Learning & Dream Chasing!
This final key to enhancing your Personal Leadership is really called Intentional, Active, & Ongoing Learning… but that’s a bit long of a title, Lol! However, each of these words are massively important. As a Leader, it’s easy to let our “Busy” beat us or our “Success” to make us complacent. Be sure to continue learning about your craft, your industry, your people, and YOURSELF!
Be INTENTIONAL! Where will you get your information? How do you enjoy learning best… YouTube, LinkedIn, books, conferences, etc.?
How will you be ACTIVE; actually implementing the professional and personal gems you’ve collected for issue at work? With your kids, your friends, your hobbies, etc.?
ONGOING! Information is infinite and changes over time, so don’t stop learning… your Personal Leadership and your future self is counting on it. How many times have you seen someone achieve their definition of success and lose it all shortly after or retire and pass away soon after? They were juggernauts in their field, but after some success? or retirement, they lose their purpose… and passion. This will not be you!
What do you enjoy learning about? What method do you prefer: books, conferences, online, etc.? As a Leader, how will you implement this into your Team’s Culture?
I hope you enjoyed The 5 Keys to Enhancing Your Personal Leadership, what was your BIGGEST Takeaway? What homework are you giving yourself to implement NOW?
“Information is infinite and changes over time, so don’t stop learning… your Personal Leadership and your future self is counting on it … Be Mindful!”?
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Written by: Andre Young
Are you looking to impact your Organization, Leaders, Teams, and Employees with Leadership & Work/Life Harmony Trainings or a Speaker? Click www.youevolvingnow.com to connect, chat, and customize with Andre Young!