Roland Nicholson Jr. is in Washington D.C.
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" Change Agent'? Sometimes change has happened and it did not need an AGENT. IT NEEDS PEOPLE WHO RECOGNIZE IT.
When I served as a S-1 on headquarters staff for U.S. Army Combat Engineering Battalion, my unit had an Aviation Company, which had responsibility for maintaining and flying several U.S. Army rotary wing aircraft in support of our mission. Everyone in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine or Coast Guard has a job that they are extensively trained for. The job is known as a Military Occupational Specialty. (MOS). One of the best Aviation mechanics in my unit, (MOS 15-T) was a highly respected U.S. Army Warrant officer. This officer was an incredible asset to my unit. The most amazing thing about the officer is that MOS 15-T was not the MOS for which the officer was trained in, nor worked in. The officer's primary MOS was 153-A, which is the MOS for Rotary Wing Aviator Warrant Officer 153A. SHE was a rotary wing aircraft pilot, who had undergone the extensive course at a U.S. Army base then known as Fort Rucker, Alabama. The base has been renamed because Edmund Rucker was a colonel in the Confederate Army, and the base is one of the ones that we convinced the U.S. government to rename. The name is now Fort Novosel. The warrant officer was easily the best mechanic in our aviation shop. She was also out best pilot. I once asked her, " How did you get to be so good at something other than the job you were trained in". She replied, "Sir, we have a mission as a unit, and if anyone in the unit takes a ' not by job approach' to any challenge, we may have a big problem".
I thought about some of the amazing women in my life, my mom being the foremost, and I thought, "women are indeed different", and we all the better for it.