Leaders with a Mission: A List of Transformational Leaders with a Strong Mission Statement

Leaders with a Mission: A List of Transformational Leaders with a Strong Mission Statement

“I want to make a ding in the universe.”

“I just want it to look like nothing else in the world.”

“If something is important enough you should try, even if the probable outcome is failure.”

Are you familiar with these statements?

These are all statements that Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, and Elon Musk have famously said. They might seem dreamy, but these are all actually very good examples of mission statements. They show their yearning and cry. They show a passion for building and creating. They are the product of the soul and unequivocal. And, most importantly, they show their commitment to realize their mission.

Mission statements can only work if it is laced with commitment. They should not try to cater to everyone and every need. And they definitely should not be a product of a writing exercise. Because the statements are not the source of the mission. The commitment is the source of the mission. The statements are merely the byproduct of the commitment. A mission statement can’t create a commitment. And a commitment can’t be thwarted by a lack of a mission statement. Nelson Mandela didn’t have a mission statement for creating a free South Africa. But man, was he on a mission.

Mission statements don’t need to come from big corporations or famous public figures. They can come from anyone, at any age. In The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People (1989), Stephen R. Covey wrote the idea suggesting that individuals create their own mission statement as part of their second habit: begin with the end in mind. Twenty five years later, personal mission statements are proving to be a good tool for high-achievers, because it is believed that if you want to be successful, then you need to think of yourself as a personal brand. That is why it is important to create a strong mission statement that shows your purpose and commitment, not only to show your followers your sincerity and intention, but also to help you focus on finishing your mission.

Your mission statement needs to come from within. Ask yourself: what am I passionate about? What are my values? What makes me great? We all have superpowers–things we do better than anyone else, so it might be helpful to ask someone else what your talents are. These things often feel natural to us, but it’s important to see them as being special.

So, have you found your mission statement yet?




