A Leader’s Message; The 2 Key Points of Presenting to Your People Like a Leader!

A Leader’s Message; The 2 Key Points of Presenting to Your People Like a Leader!

So, being a Professional Speaker isn’t your full-time job? Well, it's mine... and you must connect quickly in the beginning of your speech, share the meat during the middle, and recap at the end. As a leader, you will often stand up in front of your team and organization to give speeches, share information, or introduce something or someone… and you may have all of the anxieties that come with it; as public speaking is the biggest fear for most people!

I’ve had the pain and privilege of being on both sides… listening to forgettable speeches from a new leader sounding like a politician, speaking all about themselves, or rambling on in a monotone voice to the point I’d rather pay them to stop than to hear one more word! I’ve also made the mistake of being promoted and not addressing my team at all; leaving everyone to believe the vision, expectations, or rules hadn't changed. So, how do you do it?


The Focus

Truthfully, it makes me cringe every time someone calls me a Motivational Speaker. I know it’s the language they know best about describing what I do. However, in my mind, I picture a speaker rah-rahing you up… and when you wake up the next day all energized but don’t know what the heck to do! If someone needs to call me anything… I’d prefer a “Motivational Teacher”. I mention this because you, as a leader, are your organization’s and team’s new teacher, mentor… and Motivational Teacher. You may not speak with the passion and skill-set of a professional speaker yet… here are a few speaking tips to put in your Leader’s Toolbox!

First, let’s discuss what not to do! When addressing their group, most leaders use too many words to say something simple. Believe me, simple can be better and can always be fleshed out more later when people have questions at the end or meet with you 1-on-1. One of my pet peeves from college was professors requiring students to write 20-page term papers… What and Why!!! Can you imagine receiving a 20-page work email from someone? Or you asking a question and someone rattling on for 20 minutes straight with an answer? My wife works in law and I certainly understand some jobs and situations may require a hefty stack of paperwork… but not always and defiantly not in your initial meeting with your team! Be mindful not to use so many words and remember a sign of social intelligence is being able to say a lot in a little!

Second, eliminate the bureaucratic jargon! I’m honored to meet with extraordinary leaders worldwide and often ask them to tell me about their company and what they’d like to get out of bringing someone like me in? Some leaders, not many… but some will begin down this path of professional jargon-filled and a doctoral level-vocabulary rant; leaving me befuddled, frustrated, and confused. I know I heard them, I know what each word means, however the barrage of words is so unnecessary and if I feel this way… what do their people feel like?

Although, you as a leader, may be right with everything you said… the massive jargon-dump also works to dehumanize you and can further disconnect you from your people. There may be a time and place for your organization’s jargon; simply be mindful of who you’re speaking with, when the jargon is necessary and appropriate, the glazed-over eyes of the people you're speaking with, and simply speak human-to-human… being willing to fill in more when needed or requested. I operate off a simple rule; if your 13-year-old can’t understand it... it may be too convoluted. It’s incredible how much more people will do for you, with you, because of you, and forgive about your leadership mistakes when they feel a connection with you… and it starts here!

Third, make your message more real! Facts and plans only go so far… to make them more impactful, include stories. The stories can be about you in positive or negative professional situations, about previous coworkers (not sharing real names of course), or even stories that are happening within the company now but changing names, gender, and the company to share a problem, solution, and outcome… without directly calling people out. This is a great way to backdoor a real issue and not confront anyone directly on your big day. You’ll be surprised who may come up to you afterward and say, “Wow, that really hit me; I felt you were talking just to me.”. Stories make YOU more real, your plan more exciting, and your connection more solid as other leaders can relate and some employees are more intrigued!


How to Do It?

We explored the things to eliminate and what to add, but how do you DO IT when it’s time to speak?


Greet everyone and Thank Them for letting you have their time!



Welcome them to what you’ll be talking about today. Keep it short and to the point; allowing them to know the topic and what to anticipate.



Who are you and what do you stand for? As a Keynote Speaker at conferences, I usually greet, Welcome (saying the name of my presentation), then my name and area of impact… I’m Andre Young, professional speaker, author, leadership trainer, and founder of You Evolving Now and my mission and impact is enhancing two things… Leadership & Work/life Harmony!


Explain Your Impact

Why are the things you’re mentioning so important… and why is it important for them? This is a perfect time for a story about how doing things the new way has worked great in your experience or how doing things the wrong way negatively impacted those served, the company, and employees. Share your Vision, the importance of it, and how it benefits them professionally and personally!


What to Do & How to Do It!

As I mentioned in the previous chapter, if this is your first-ever meeting with your new team or organization… it may be wise to say, “ I have ideas, but I think it’d be unfair to start or stop anything until I’ve met for 1-on-1’s with everyone (or Direct Reports) and attended team meetings to get the lay of the land first. I look forward to our next meeting to come back together!”.

Otherwise, it’s The Leader’s 3 again! Now that you’ve eliminated unnecessary words and jargon, greeted and welcomed everyone, introduced yourself, added stories, and explained your impact… it’s time to share your Vision & Vision Factors, Expectations, and Rules related to whatever plan you’re introducing. I mean to be redundant with The Leader’s 3, because it’s that important and is a fantastic preface statement. Your people will not be able to deny they’ve heard it; making it easier for them to incorporate it into their mindset and daily acts… and easier for you to reward those on board or have the tough conversations with those who aren’t!

This process may not make you a world-renowned Pro, but it certainly won’t make you any worse! Enjoy sharing your message with your team and being a leader you can be proud of and your people need.


“As a presenter, sharing stories make YOU more real, your plan more exciting, and your connection more solid as other leaders can relate, and some employees are more intrigued!”??

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