Leaders Learn Before They Lead

“Supportive Connections Have Many Benefits- Including Courageous Leadership. ... And it is through those supportive connections, that we find our courage to be great leaders and inspire others to also act and lead with courage. “It's the relationships we foster, the people who love us, and care about us, and believe in us.”   -Simon Sinek

There they are. One, Two, Three then 12 young boys within my sphere of influence. Wow I thought what an opportunity, what if I became their leader and someone they would look up to someday.

In my mind it had already Happened. Have you ever thought of something and subconsciously seen yourself doing it? As I got his attention. I asked. “You want to play some basketball”? With the enthusiasm in his voice. NOW! Yes, Lets Play. No, On an actual team. “You are kidding” he responded. What do I have to do. All you have to do is show up here at my house ready to learn.

Connection is the most critical form to relationships. But the most Critical value in Leadership. He felt a sense of connection between the two of us which allowed me to bring him to a place of vulnerability. This ultimately gave him the Courage to say yes to playing for my Team. Leads me to my next point.

Courage is mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear or difficulty. This is caught more than it is taught. Leaders who display Courage are able to influence effectively. Throughout the season this particular player faced many challenges. On the court and off the Court. He eventually got put off the team. I made this decision only to get him to see differently. I needed him to see the leader inside himself. One day, He came to his senses. He came to my house accompanied by another team mate. Coach, I want to apologize for how I have been behaving towards my Team mates and my Mother. Can you give me another chance? Powerful, the moment we think our connection has no return or reward we are fooling ourselves. One connection can change a life and ultimately transform a leader from Careless to Courageous.

“A great leader is someone who has influence and can effectively motivate a group to act towards achieving a common goal because they have mental and moral strength and will persevere and withstand danger despite their fears and the difficulty of the challenge. “


