As Leaders, It's Time to Step Up

Seeing both panic and non-concern behaviors running rampant has called to my spirit to speak up.

After all, not only are we all in this together, it's literally my job to be and teach leadership.

Our needs of #leadership are shifting.

Who we are and how we show up are being called on like never before (even for me and I am 60).

Here are solid and grounded ways to tap into your strength and take care of BOTH your business and your family.

Reassess contributing factors in your world.

  1. That looks like whom you hang out with and whom you spend time with - BOTH online and in real life.

You might think you have no choice with your family (or even co-workers or clients - but that is not true) and I'd encourage you to think with a different mindset.

If family causes you so much inner turmoil you cannot be in a space of peace, that is your sign. (I've had to do the same this week, you are not alone)

Ways you can still show care and not deal with their drama is to send handwritten notecards via snail mail.

The behaviors that show up from clients might be the push you needed to realize they are not profitable to you or your employee's bottom line - our well being.

People will be looking for solutions. They will want to work with those they feel their values align with theirs. How are you doing the same?

People are seeking LESS RESISTANCE.

Less friction and resistance in all areas of their lives. It is one of the top three indicators NextGen clients talk about when I conduct deep dives with them and their teams.

Online family is simple too.

Unfollow. If it is really bad then unfriend and block. Your immune systems need less stress and drama to keep you well.

As a life-long entrepreneur, I am used to cycles of feast and famine.

This might be your first or even second time dealing with this level of uncertainty. Ask yourself, are you financially burdened?

It's time to cut and be BRUTAL with what is unnecessary.

That will look different for each family unit (single or multi-unit). Don't think if you are single you cannot find areas to cut the waste.

Be Prepared.

You can do that without going crazy. If stores are out of sanitizing wipes, do what I did, take a roll of paper towels and make your own. Google is your friend!

We are going to learn a lot about ourselves and our friends.

How we act, react and give a hand right now says a lot about us.

If at first you realize you are reacting and you want something different for yourself, your family and your employees, start asking different questions.

  • What is another way I can look at this right now?
  • What question am I not asking that might give insights I've missed?
  • Whom do I want to be through all this and what is a quick physical action I can take to activate THAT person?
  • How does what I am doing feel and is it aligned to the values I say I live by?

I recently remembered something powerful I learned from Tony Robbins years and years ago. Using a physical action to get me into "state" is the key to shifting gears quickly.

You've seen him do it on and off stage. Even Amy Cuddy and others have shown you the power pose.

What helps you get into a quiet peaceful state?

Is it music (a specific song) you hum or sing?

Is it a memory (of someone you love or an accomplishment that brought you joy)?

Is it a sense (mine is auditory) that soothes your soul?

Take a few minutes to reacquaint yourself with what it is for you, then pick a motion you will use as your anchor.

  • Your anchor could be the namaste pose.
  • Your anchor could be snapping your fingers.
  • Your anchor could be a long exhaled breath.

Take 5 minutes and go into your state and when you feel that peace from it throughout your body, use your anchor right then.

REPEAT that over and over, different times throughout your day.

Each time you do it, it will bring you into "state" faster and faster, until the physical action of activating your anchor brings you into "state."


Drink lots of water, take vitamin c (it is water-soluble), remember magnesium calms both muscles and your nerves, probiotics are excellent for your gut and keeping your immune system strong, and SLEEP more.

You have extra time since you are not commuting right now. Gift your body with what it needs to keep you healthy, and your state of mind able to be the leader we need in these unprecedented times.

When you find yourself sliding into comfort foods or activities that are not healthy, go into "State" and then pick something that is healthy for you (a piece of fruit or a cup or herbal tea) and EXCHANGE.

EXCHANGE is a higher-level activity. It helps you to do what serves you instead of fall into bad habits.

It's not as arduous as changing behavior from sheer will-power because you are leveraging your energy at the moment. YOU ARE EXCHANGING.

Our Opportunity Now

Yes, there is going to be a LOT of sadness and deep feelings these next few months and maybe the year. Learning how to process those feelings will make you a better person and leader. (I'll be sharing great works you can read, absorb and learn in a later post)

We will be in the position to let go of what is NOT serving us! (foods, political advisors, laws that do not serve EVERYBODY,) and CREATING what does serve us, our neighbors and our friends, so we can ALL live a more harmonious life.

Whom do you want to be when we come out of all this?

That is your goal.

Create your roadmap with that goal in mind and these actions you take between now and is how you will tweak, adjust, and transform along the journey we are ALL taking together.


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