Leaders Have To Stand Strong

Leaders Have To Stand Strong

I have a friend who used to work in corporate consultancy – a tough, macho, highly-competitive world were working a 14-hour day was considered the least level of commitment an employee should be demonstrating. Needless to say, my friend did not remain long within this industry. Burnt out and fed-up, she sums up the whole experience in one story — “My boss, and his boss, and his boss, always said one thing – ‘if you want to be promoted then you have to do the tough stuff, you have to be tough’.” — it was an ideology that was deeply?rooted in a view that leaders have to be cutthroat, to obtain their leadership position through the use of threat and fear. To be known as a ‘ball-breaker’, and be seen to be ‘pulling strips off people’ when mistakes happened. In short, to be ‘capable’ of being a leader.

My friend hated it, and happily – to her credit – celebrates her failure at this type of leadership. I hate it too.

So, if you think that title up there – about leaders having to stand strong – is a similar edict, then you’ve got the wrong end of the stick. I suggest you save yourself some time and stop reading this right now! If you’re interested in knowing what ‘toughness’ really is, then read on…

Being a strong leader, having the strength to stand firm is *not* the same as being a bully. In fact, I believe it is the opposite.

Leadership strength is found in those who have done considerable work on themselves – their innermost selves. It is found in those who have a strong sense of their values and have practiced practicing them in everyday life. It is found in those who are willing to take on both responsibility and accountability for how they show-up in their own lives. It is found in those who are willing to be patient with others, but who do not apologise for their high standards. Great leadership is found in people who value themselves and their fellow man and who create an environment where other people are encouraged, given space and time, to follow a similar self-development journey.

To do all of that is tough. There are many pressures upon a leader – money constraints, time constraints, quality demands to name but a few – which can make it feel much easier to take shortcuts, start pointing and blaming, be impatient and shout. To remain true to what your beliefs are and challenge the pressure for commercial expediency takes a lot of courage. To remain true to your values and build a new way of behaving involves a clear and apparent danger that you will be criticised for acting in a reckless, risky (‘not how we normally do things’) manner.

But that, my friends, is what being a leader really is. Anything else, and you are just reacting to somebody else’s orders and playing at being ‘tough’.

The choice lies with you…

If you’d like to achieve greater success in your life then it is time to take *careful, considered* action. It all starts with the first step.?

?You absolutely deserve to succeed!

Gina xx


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