Leaders! Employees Are Human. They Do Not need to Earn Their Living With Their Lives. They Deserve The Best From You Employers and Your Organisations.
Simon Bere Research, Innovation and Development: Light Years Research. Leading Edge Discoveries. Cutting Edge Solutions. Breakthrough Results.

Leaders! Employees Are Human. They Do Not need to Earn Their Living With Their Lives. They Deserve The Best From You Employers and Your Organisations.

Some organisations are killer organisations. These are either cold, heartless and even deliberately brutal and ruthless. Others of these organisations are dangerous institutions where staff walking in healthy and vibrant and leave either dead or poisoned dead-walking zombies. Many health and mental conditions some people develop during and after working for certain organisations are triggered and induced by the organisations and their leaders and managers, intentionally and unintentionally. I must clarify this point! Some of the leaders and managers in killer organisations are not committing these crimes knowingly and intentionally but out of lack of awareness and also the result of hypnotic use of the old fashioned organisations and everything about it including the leadership and management models and styles, structures, theories and philosophies including hygienic factors and so on. All these things that were created to manipulate employees into higher productivity and all. You know these Frederick Taylor and Frederick Herzberg theories? Yes! I don't think we must dismiss them entirely but must use them wisely and appropriately and also question some aspects of them in the wake of new researches and their discoveries.

Killer organisations cruel if the truth be told as it is. They treat their employees like slaves or prisoners that have committed murder. Their employees suffer or are suffering for their pay and hardly enjoy their salaries and perks as much as they should. Some are overworked like donkeys-and for peanuts compared to their commitment and their hard work. Some leaders and managers in these organisations actually believe, at least at some level, that they deserve to use their employees and staff like machines because they are paying them. One of my close colleagues told me that their bosses talked about "sweating the assets" when he talked about his subordinates.

Sweating human assets? Really? Come on people. Let's have a heart.

These people in organisations that we call employees are human beings! They are not bloodless robots and automatons.

The Seven Key Characteristics of Killer Organisations

In killer organisations most people are overworked and therefore have high stress levels. They feel overwhelmed with their work most of the time. Listen, the most important thing is not whether or not people are overwhelmed. The most important thing is that they feel overwhelmed. And if a staff member says she is overwhelmed, then she is. Respect that and act accordingly or else you are killing the person.

In killer organisations people work like machines and are expected to operate like remote-controlled robots. They do not get enough chance to think for themselves and figure out how best to do their jobs and when. Honestly, some jobs and tasks must be done according to specific time lines and in a specific way and we must follow the time lines. But there are tasks that people must have the decision on when to do them and how.

In killer organisations people are expected to be extremely serious even in situations or roles where you do not have to project seriousness and where you do not have to act like a commander in the heat of a raging battle. People are human beings at work as they are away from work. Within acceptable limits that to do not undermine their performance and results negatively, why should staff be forced to behave in awkward and unnatural ways? Listen, even customers are human beings-Earthians like us for that matter. They too want to be normal as long as it is ethical and does not compromise performance and results. Ok let me ask you;

Are you are aware that humour and laughter have positive health impacts, enhance creativity and contribution to positive emotions that connect people?

4. In killer organisations suburdinates must fear their bosses and follow their commands and orders. Subordinates have no freedom to express themselves and say exactly what they think in terms of their work and their relationships at work.

Even if they do not like their boss, they must pretend that they like him or her.

If they do not agree with their boss they must never voice the agreement with their boss

If they are angry with their boss they must not express the anger (in a positive way) and talk about it with their boss.

5. In killer organisations people feel underpaid, unappreciated and even depreciated. Yes! They feel all these things. I am cooking things up. I once heard one business owner saying appreciating and acknowledging brilliance and good work by an employee is a bad idea because the employee may ask for a promotion or pay raise or the employee may leave the organisation for greener pastures. You guys let's be real and serious!

6. In killer organisations people get very little, if any training, education and development and they are expected to produce brilliant results.

7. In killer organisations staff turn over is very high. People are always looking for new job opportunities. They are psychologically disconnected. Those who stay on do so because they have not yet found anywhere better to go. They then come and play around, doing the minimum possible work just to get their salary. And the blame for their sluggish performance is put on them and not the organisation itself and its zeal-sapping, energy-draining shenanigans.

8. In killer organisations employees don't get the support they need to do their best. They do not invest in discovering the potential and talent of their employees; they fake that they care about talent and human potential.

9. In killer organisations the staff are poorly trained, poorly-developed and poorly-led. They get superficial training, education and development that never takes them to their personal peak performance levels. They lack enough self-knowledge and self-awareness. They do not have a constant improvement in their knowledge, skills and abilities.

9. In many killer organisations top decision makers get to know a lot of what needs attention in their organisations, but never get to act in a decisive way to create a more human, nurturing, life enhancing organisation where people flourish, love their organisation, enjoy their work, thrive and grow in skills, competences, abilities, happiness and joy.

As a result of all this, killer organisations produce average results at best and dismal results in the worst, not because of lack of talent as many would want us to believe.

Killer organisations, intentionally or unintentionally create or main conditions that make them killer organisations. Some never realise that they are killer organisations. Those that discover often blame other things for their state and situation. Many of these do not take action so they remain killer organisations.

Killing their people's desire to produce their best possible results

Killing their staff's potential for higher levels of excellence and being

Destroying their staff's lives through overworking them and working under difficult conditions.

Destroying their staff's heath and wellbeing and triggering physical and mental health issues and conditions, some of which will take some of the employees to their graves.

Destroying their staff's belief in the virtues of hard work and self-less service

Now is the time to change!

Lets create a new organisation

Away with old-fashioned organisations

Were employees are treated like machines and labour

They are humans.

Now is the time to replace mechanical organisations with humane organisations

Employees are human beings, not machines

They have a heart

They have blood

They have lives to live

They have families to look after and to spend quality time with

They have their own dreams to pursue and realise and ambitions to fulfill

They have their own things to do and they need time for it

It cannot all be for the organisations at their expense

They do not have to pay for their salaries with their lives

Or with their blood'

Or with their health

But only with their energy and sweat

Employees must enjoy their work

And enjoy the fruits of their labour

They must have a bright future beyond their current jobs and organisations

They must appreciate while they are working here, in this company or organisation

And not depreciate

They need their dignity

Their health and welbeing

Their success happiness, achievement and wellbeing

Fair deal Mr and Mrs Top Leader?

Thank You!

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?Simon Bere, 2024


Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)的更多文章

