Leaders Don’t Set Yourself Up for Failure by Forgetting How to Get Motivated

Leaders Don’t Set Yourself Up for Failure by Forgetting How to Get Motivated

??You are probably rolling your eyes at the title of this article. I really can’t say I blame you. I mean, come on. Do people forget how to get motivated? The absurdity of that statement really speaks to our assumptions. Most people trying to achieve anything with their lives automatically assume that they are motivated since they are working towards a goal.

?Sure, at some level or other, this is absolutely correct, but the key question that is begging to be asked is, are you motivated enough? That is the question that too many people do not want to wrap their minds around because they’re too busy focusing on the small stuff if they’re not outright evading it.

?Make no mistake; you have to be motivated in the right way at the right levels of intensity; otherwise, you’re just not going to make it. If you have a low level of motivation that enables you to show up at least to work day after day to do the bare minimum so you can avoid getting fired, you are technically speaking motivated.

But let me tell you, the last time I checked, that kind of motivation doesn’t exactly lead to the kind of stellar performance that gets rewarded. You’re just doing the bare minimum. You’re just going along to get along. In other words, you are an empty detail in whatever organization you are a part of.

You have to aim for a type of motivation that pushes you to operate at peak performance levels even if no one is looking. It’s as if you can’t help but be excellent. I know this sounds weird to you, but if you let the whole concept of producing maximum value become your life’s main mantra, no external discouragement or adverse conditions will trip you up on your journey to personal victory and success.

This is why people who achieve habitual levels of success can do the right things at the right time with the right people to produce the right outcomes. They can do this day after day regardless of their feelings or how much opposition they face. Amazing? Not really.

You must remember that in any human organization, 20% of the people there account for 80% of the results. Which group do you think you belong in? Here is a clue. It’s not 20%. You’re in that 80% that produces 20% of the results. It is no surprise that you are struggling. It is not surprising that you are frustrated in areas of your life because you are not properly motivated enough. You have forgotten how to get truly motivated.

Make no mistake; if you are performing far below your potential in any way, shape, or form, you can turn things around. It is never too late.

It's time to take time for some introspection. Spending time alone can give you a chance to ensure a purpose to all your hustling and bustling. Quiet space provides an opportunity to think about your goals, your progress, and the changes you want to make in your life.

?Be the leader people want to follow

Richard Grehalva

Transformational Leadership Coach


