When it comes to any small firm, or any organization, or even we talk about the people of any small firm or organization, they are often judged on the basis of the ‘Culture’ in their surroundings. I.e. Organization. That means an organizational culture plays a very important role in the market.

A culture is something which is not a bookish thing, not it’s a policy, but it’s an environment of the organization, the atmosphere of organization and how the people i.e. employees are behaving/interacting with each other. As I say, it’s not a theory, nor a bookish concept, but it’s the surrounding an organization owes, and the behavior people with each other and outside the organization.

Every organization has different culture. Like: a big organization has the culture of punctuality, however a small firm has the culture of monitoring each other. Another organization has the culture to start the board meeting with a formal announcement and some other firms just forward an informal message to conduct a meeting or picnic. So this analyzes that everything has different perspective, and every organization, every home, every friend circle has a different culture. It all comes from your learning, surroundings, supervisions that how you behave in an event or situation. Another thing that comes in the list is ‘Priority’. It’s all about priority that how you behave to a certain situation.

Most organizations face such issues, when they are supposed to be customer focused but actually they aren’t. Why? Because they don’t prioritize it. They don’t value it. When it comes to leadership, it’s not about to judge others, but to create an interesting buzz in the organization that people understand the value of goals and prioritize it. It’s the leaders that form an organization, not in just terms of money but in terms of values, ethics, norms and understanding others. It’s a leader who standardize the culture, and the same leader motivates his subordinates to act in such a way, not forcefully, but by heart, motivation and encouragement.

Often, people are questioning that how to create a good culture yet innovative? The simple answer to this question is: Be a Leader, understand your people, don’t treat them as your employees, tell them that they are our people, they are the future leaders. Make their ideas count, make them participate in a way they want. If one of your people fail in a task, don’t discourage them, tell them to be in front and try again and again because ‘Failure is the key to success and innovation’. This is the culture, a culture under true leaders.

Concluding my point, I admit that, a culture of an organization is formed by the Leader of the firm. If a leader is being bossy and want just results by hook or by crook, this is not a good culture. 3But a leader, who understands his people, making them participate, encouraging the failures to try again, etc. these are activities that bring a positive yet innovative culture in the organization. After all it’s a behavior of the Leader that is shaping the warm and flexible culture. 



