Leaders Are Built Not Born
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray
James - Minister | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Inc. 500 Inductee | Bersabeh - Intuitive Healer | Designer | Producer at Harmonic Wealth Global | PMO Director
Triple Espresso:
Leaders aren't born, they are built!
Look, we're ALL born to be leaders, and it doesn't matter one iota what you're title is; what car you drive, how big your company, or how much money you make.
In fact, in many cases those things are just a distraction.
You have a unique gift that you've been given by your Creative Source and you're here to build it to a level of genius.
We ALL have the potential to be genius in ONE area. This is based on research from Harvard. Not just my idea.
But first and foremost you must Lead your own life fully, completely, and successfully.
This starts with Self-Awareness versus Mass-Awareness;
And Self-Awareness takes brutal self-honesty (there is no value in lying to yourself); followed by the willingness to give every single thing you have to your One Thing once you find it.
You THINK you know who you are?
Describe yourself to me without telling me what you DO or what you HAVE.
What you do and what you have are NOT who you ARE. They're a by-product of who you are.
You THINK you're leading your own life?
Are you completely sure about that?
I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts, that like most, you're leading the life you've been handed from an outside source at a very early age.
Leadership is built. Brick by brick. Day by day by hard work, self-honesty, and effort.
Whom would you be if you lost your job or business, your house, your car, and bank account? As well as ALL your relationships? TODAY!
Why do you think and react the way you do?
And I'm talking to REAL boots on the ground individuals here. So PLEASE don't give me any of those spiritual answers like "I'm stardust or consciousness or love or one with the universe."
Yeah, yeah I get it; and fluffy theory doesn't pay the bills, fulfill a purpose, and it certainly doesn't LEAD.
You're here in physical form for a reason! If you were meant to be fluffy stardust or consciousness, you wouldn't be here in physical form!
Who you ARE is not what you have or do. Your true wealth, as well as your true identity; and your ability to lead your own life first, is what you're left with when ALL you have, and all you DO is gone!
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