Are leaders born or bred?
????The answer to that question is both.?While there are certain qualities an individual is born with they do not necessarily include those of being a leader.?We typically have certain characteristics engrained in our genes and as we progress in life we develop our talents through efforts in school and through the influence of our parents.?This country needs new leaders to step up to the plate and provide meaningful ideas that will help everyone.?The leaders we have had in the past were great but we need new ones with new ideas that will help us and our country.
????Leaders sometimes get in trouble if they do not follow the principles of integrity in all their actions.?The influence of the media can enhance a person’s ability to be a leader.?Leaders cannot exist without those who follow in most cases.?However an individual can be a leader or example to others simply as a result of their work ethic and persistence to do a good job for the duties/responsibilities they are assigned.?This is not always easy.?Leaders exist in all areas of our economy from the past to the present but sometimes their ideas are met with resistance.?It is the job of a leader to convince others their ideas make sense and will work for the applicable topics.
????Today there are those that are proposing to make changes in the way we exercise our rights with ideas from the past that have been rejected.?Leaders bring new ideas not present old concepts that have failed or have been rejected in the past.?While some ideas presented in the past may not have been the right time others have proven that they work in specific situations.?
Granted today is a different economy than we had in the past but some of the same successful principles can and should be applied to our current economic environment.?The key to our success as a nation are the leaders that come forth to address problems we have in a new way. The public has certain principles and when these principles conflict with ideas of those in leadership positions they must recognize their ideas are not popular and should abandon their efforts to impose them on others.?
????Leadership involves having ideas and presenting the facts so others will want to follow their lead.?It is not about leading in a way to impose their philosophy simply because they can.?
There are also leaders in the private sector who have original ideas that will benefit society in approaching problems and the way business operates.?These ideas will benefit society as a whole if they are accepted for what they are.?Leaders must exemplify positive approaches not negative ones.?Negativity only creates situations where individuals focus on the negative and not positive situations that exist.?Granted there are cases where the negative is so bad it is hard to be positive about anything.?Leaders must help to change these situations where possible to bring a change in the way individuals perceive their situations and those of their family.?These ideas should not be radical as to change the political landscape.?The past election has seen a new influx of individuals interested in the political landscape.?I hope this new interest will continue.
I am not condemning any individuals that are recognized by the public as being true examples of what makes them leaders.
Leaders are persons who people look up to and those that offer solutions to problems.?You cannot be a leader to yourself.?There are those who have made statements that they were born to lead while others learn how to be a leader.?The concept of being a leader requires that an individual have people who follow that lead.?An individual cannot be leader without those who follow.?Leaders typically address issues and suggest methods to address them.?The name of leader in a job title does not make an individual a leader it is how they handle that responsibility that makes them a leader.?Leaders typically make decisions based upon all the facts.
????To summarize some points it is important to understand that being recognized as a leader should be based on our perception of what an individual has done not based on facts presented by others.??News organizations are in a position to project individuals as leaders in their field and this is fine if their input is based on their experiences, knowledge or education.?Leaders normally have accomplishments which can be recognized in resolving specific problems or it may be their character and the way they interact with others.?
????Leaders can also come from unexpected places.?Sometimes when a person is thrust into a position of leadership when they have had no prior experience, they surprise us.?Many of us have qualities often times which are not utilized until situations arise.?We as individuals may surprise ourselves in some instances when we are placed in a position of leadership.?While leaders must make decisions it is how those decisions are made that make them a leader.?Individuals and leaders face numerous decisions every day and we never have all the answers.?It is important to take input and consider others opinion on issues especially if it is an area in which they have responsibility.?Those in management positions may have the knowledge to do the job but it is how they interact with their subordinates that make them a leader.?A position does not make an individual a leader.?Some individuals do not always understand this concept but it is important that they do.?
????Therefore leaders can be born or they can be created.?It is the circumstances in which they are placed that can make them a leader.?While I am not criticizing those brought up in wealth and are automatically placed in positions of leadership, it does not make them one.?Leaders must have the qualities of character, integrity and honesty.?These qualities are important more so today than ever before.?We have seen numerous instances in the news where these qualities have been lacking in many individuals who were in charge of various aspects of companies.?People will follow those who lead responsibly and when they do not they lose their followers.?This creates a perception they have failed as leaders and may never again get the chance to prove themselves.?The most important thing to remember is you cannot be a leader to yourself it takes followers.??My hope is that leaders will come forth in this time of economic crises with new ideas and approaches that will guide our country and the world out of our present situation.?Time will tell.?This does not mean that there are not now leaders who have ideas that will aid our situation only that they are not recognized for their talents and expertise.?This needs to change.